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Frank with Fristo

February 26th, 2022

We have known Fristo for years on 7cups. Well, some of us have. But why do they exist here? Everyone has their underlying, sometimes unsaid, motives behind their appearances to the world. Presenting you this talk ‘Frank with Fristo’, where fristo uncovered themselves to all extent possible!

Talk written, directed and enacted by fristo!

Fristo, what makes you offer your kindness at 7cups?

Like any other human being, I have sought and pursued various kinds of pleasures. The motive of each human being, behind whatever they choose to do, is happiness and satisfaction. The value of a pleasure is determined by its longevity. I have come to realise, again and over again, that all other pleasures but kindness, lead to dissatisfaction, disturbance, and disgust. Kindness is the only worthwhile pursuit.

Alright, I got what you said. But fristo, tell us, it is easier said than done. It is easier understood than followed. Do you never stray and be caught by delusions and deceptions? What helps you find your way again?

You are right. Despite carrying wisdom, it is the nature of mind to stray and befool and be befooled. Honesty is what saves the day. Self-honesty is the highest and purest form of honesty. I try to be self-honest. If I did a mistake, I cajole myself and help myself start again on my path of self-honesty. I am also always on the lookout for people, places and things that connect the most to me. And that is how I had discovered 7cups, amongst my many other precious discoveries.

What are those other precious discoveries, fristo?

I am not sure I feel comfortable sharing all of them, but I’ll share few here. Wait, let this be a secret. Because I feel it won’t be helpful to you or the reader if I share them here. Plus, different things connect to different kinds of people. So I encourage you to keep questioning and introspecting within yourself. Seek that which will last with you, and courageously and boldly dare to abandon anything less.

How far does 7cups connect with you, and what are your plans here?

As much as I have liked to be here, my stay on 7cups is for as long as I do not find anything better. I am not an online kind of person, but in the absence of anything better offline, 7cups has been to my rescue. I could explore and express freely the kindness in me. It has contributed a lot in freeing my spirit. I have lived here, in the true sense of the word. But, a ‘life’ in an online setting has an upper cap; there is a limit to how much freedom you could feel through your screen. But amidst the sea of the entire online universe today, for me, and I am sure for many, 7cups is the best possible online spot; it is the best the internet could have offered.

I have no set plans on 7cups, never had them, but to live each day as it comes, and express my heart whenever an opportunity presents. And to express my leadership creativity, in trying to make the community better via my presence.

Lastly, fristo, anything that 7cups can do for you?

I have a question to ask to 7cups. Where were you before? But I am glad I discovered you, explored you, and lived you. Thank you. You could not give me anything more precious than what you have offered me by simply existing. Thank you to each one of us who put aside everything else in life and spend some time on 7cups receiving and giving support. Thanks for valuing your and others’ mental health. Believe me you, everything valuable in life has its seeds in a sound mental health. Without a healthy mind, everything is shallow and short lived.

To all the cupsers, I am glad to have had mental contact of kindness and compassion with you. Warm wishes.

Living with Leaders Taglist: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk @blissfulForest7074 @FallenStarss @Moonlemon48 @Izzy274 @Zahraa000 @imaginativePear6493 @BeautifulSun298501 @ShapeshiftSystem @EmmaE @GoldenRuleJG @Helgafy @AveryLove @Adeline12345

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

BeautifulSun298501 February 26th, 2022

This was so wonderful and thoughtful to read! Thank you for sharing this.😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 26th, 2022


Hiya Fristo, I love the title of this thread hehe, thankyou for being "frank" with us and allowing us to have a good time exploring your beautiful mind! ❤

This was such an amazing read, thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it!

I resonate with alot of things you shared, kindness being the only worthwhile pursuit, being open to seek our true self and unravel our own potential, staying true to ourselves, attempting self introspection, mind over matter, connection with kind an compassionate people, always being open to the "bright" side of life, taking each day as it comes, living each day to its full be it on cups or off cups.....such beautiful lessons you shared! Many thanks for coming up with this wonderful idea!

Hearty wishes to you always, may you always find what you're seeking and may the kindness you spread around return to you also!

7 cups community is certainly blessed to have your vibrant presence! Thanks for all that you do! ❤

Zahraa000 February 26th, 2022

Hello everyone 🌱

It is a wonderful interview and really worth listening and taking into account the encouraging words it contains and the thing that touched me the most personally in the interview (see what lasts with you and boldly dare to give up anything less than you)!

Thank you for Everything ❤️

blindHeart12 February 27th, 2022


Wow it was wonderful interview espcially about kindness . The idea of self interview was creative as well question.

Somewhere i felt though answer were of 5 or 10 lines but it had more words to it. More expression more to say.

Totally agree 7cups is great online platform.

Unwanted2022 February 27th, 2022



.... for sharing that with us 😊

MeaningfulSilence February 27th, 2022


Hello Fristo, thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts 🙏

rrretsuko February 28th, 2022


such a lovely interview ! i really like this new idea of self-interviews <3 it's awesome and the questions really do get you thinking. they cause you to dig deeper into analyzing who you really are and what 7 cups means for you, has done for you, etc. i loved reading through the interview ! it was amazing <3

Zarram77 February 28th, 2022

@Fristo Thank you for sharing this with us. These posts help us a lot in learning things.

Smilingfuture February 28th, 2022


Hi , this has been such a candid interview, bearing your soul in what you shared with all of us here. There are many wonderfull insights i could gather from here. I find it truly inspirational to read these experiences of yours. Keep doing what you love best 👍

soothingArrow47 February 28th, 2022


Self-interview is a beautiful way to learn more about ourselves, and your thoughtful answers shine with kindness and honesty. Thank you for being you and doing what you do.

Helgafy February 28th, 2022


Fristo - very good. You and I have so much in common. I also think to be kind is the highest thing, to be honest to oneself is awsome and that 7Cup is there is a VERY valuable thing that has happened to me.

blissfulForest7074 February 28th, 2022


I saw this pop-up notification written 'Frank with Fristo' and to say that I wasn't curious would be entirely lying. Reading this felt like an exclusive about our mysterious yet, insanely talented Fristo. Thanks a lot of letting us read such raw and honest answers.

I would ask 7 cups the last question too, do tell me the answer when you know Fristo 😁

GoldenNest2727 February 28th, 2022

"Talk written, directed and enacted by fristo!"

I love that bit. I enjoyed reading your interview. Thanks for opening up about yourself, and thanks for spreading positivity at 7 Cups.