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Chips with Obs

October 11th, 2021

Obs allowed me some time to share some potato chips with them. I had cooked the chips and they prepared some coffee, and over that treat we talked a bit. Sharing with you ‘a talk with obs over chips!’

Fristo: It’s been long since you have been ob-ing around. If you can sum up your cups experience so far, what would you say?

Obs: 7Cups gives one ample opportunity to learn, experience and grow onsite and offline. As a community, we lead by example how constant learning, compassionate listening and support can make a difference. Over the years, I noticed the changes and growth in the individuals (members, listeners, leaders) and community.

It is like walking in a beautiful garden and watching a plant bloom.

Fristo: What used to be your favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

Obs: I was deeply invested in 1-1 support sessions as a listener. But over time, the curiosity to explore and learn more to support better led me to other parts of the community - Group Support, Forums, Q & A, Different Community Projects, 7Cups Internship (now part of 7Cups Academy) etc.

7 Cups has a gift economy model. If you are giving something, you are receiving something as well. It can come in any form, shape, sizes and nature. Gift is a gift!

Fristo: What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

Obs: Everyone has a voice here. Everyone is invited and welcomed to share. You are happy, share. You are in distress, share. You are concerned, share. Do you have feedback or suggestions? Share! You get the feeling of being part of something meaningful.

Fristo: Any cool general tips for us?

Obs: I start every single day with the thought, “If today will be my last day, for what reasons or memories, would one remember me?” Keeping that thought, I try to take my small steps every day.

So, maybe you would like to try that?

Fristo: What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

Obs: Contribute towards a joyful and supportive world.

Fristo: We cannot thank you enough for your presence and consistent contribution at cups. If there is something the cupsers could do for you, what can we do to make you happy?

Obs: I am proud of my community. You all teach so many things and inspire me a lot everyday. But, if anything you like to do for me, I would request you to do one thing - Believe. Start with believing in yourself because you might be underestimating your strengths and your learning and transforming abilities. And, believe in at least 3 persons. Because sometimes to get through the challenges and struggles, all we need is someone to believe in us without a question.

“Roads were never smooth & never will be. But it is up to you to decide. You want to stand here and do nothing. OR, begin your journey!!”

This interview is second in the Living with Leaders Interview Series. If you are a verified listener, you get a chance to be an interviewer! Learn about the series here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 11th, 2021

Such a fabulous interview @ASilentObserver @Fristo thankyou for sharing it with the community! ❤

I like how you mentioned , " It is like walking in a beautiful garden and watching a plant bloom. " ~ quite beautiful!

Obziee, I dunno about others but I will remember you always for your kindness, willingness to do something ( everything xD) , your encouraging and supportive personality, your wisdom and your calm and collected poise the most ! I do hope you continue to bless the community and Earth with your presence for a really long time! Thanks for being YOU , your impact is marvelous! ❤

Alsoooo, please share some chips with us too :P

Sher217 October 11th, 2021


Beautifully stated!!! I agree 100% with your thoughts!

~ Sher

SparkyGizmo October 11th, 2021


@ASilentObserver, Obs, *high fives* and well done my friend! 😊❤️ Great mindset and words to live by. *hugs* ❤️

Tyedyedbutterfly65 October 12th, 2021

@Fristo Bravo on another amazing Interview!!!!Fristo we need a talk show on here for you too chat with everyone ! 👍❤️

Obs is so thoughtful and Insightful ! Great Leader !

Thanks for sharing .


Starlasky January 16th, 2022

@Fristo Yay, for conducting the interview! You were amazing 💙

@ASilentObserver Obs, your responses were wonderful, I, personally had lots of questions for you on knowing your thoughts and a have an insight on your experiences here. You are far most the amazing, wise, cool, calm, composed, kind and supportive person I have met, which I'm glad for! Would really love to know more about your experiences and of course get inspired by them.

This is one of my most favourite interviews!

You guys are simply awesome! Thank you for this Interview 💙

lovelyWaterfall2170 February 7th, 2022

Excellent Interview !!

Thanks :) Great Learning is on !!