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7 Amazing Aspects of Servant Leadership

October 24th, 2021


  1. Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the goal of the leader is to serve. This is different from traditional leadership where the leader's main focus is the thriving of their company or organizations.

  1. Servant Leader is focused on, "Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?"

  1. Servant leadership begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve first. The act of leadership is in the context of serving others and to serve others.

  1. Due to servant leaders making their employees their main priority and placing their well-being above everything else, including the organization, the employees feel a sense of trust and a need to return the commitment and obligation that their employer has for them to the organization.

  1. Servant Leaders are also seen as good role models in the eyes of their employees. Because of this, employees begin to act as Servant Leaders themselves, and portray great commitment to the organizations where they see these behaviors and how they affect others around them. The employees also stay at the organization so that they can see and learn more from their employer.

  1. Servant leadership has a positive effect on an employee's family life: Employees feeling that their needs are made a priority in the workplace, as well as the feeling of being satisfied with their interactions at work on a daily basis, has an impact on their family's experience with them as they shift from the work role to the family role.

  1. Lastly, Servant Leaders are able to manage the behaviors of their employees by being forgiving. Some employees may have personalities and/or characteristics that may lead to them doing or saying things to their leader that are unacceptable. However, Servant Leaders being forgiving, and more importantly understanding, their employees are able to learn from their mistakes, hence their personal growth and changed behavior within the organization.

    Find Interviews to Read of our Role Models on 7cups in the Living with Leaders Newsletter

LavenderHere October 24th, 2021

Very well-put!!! It is true that being a leader means growing and helping others grow by serving others...the world is blessed to have a lot of wise leaders but we can always grow and develop into more of them!

NovaGalaxy October 24th, 2021


looks like I learnt something about leaders today. 😊 thanks fristo

SparkyGizmo October 24th, 2021


Fristo, *high fives* well said my friend!

RogueRaider October 25th, 2021


this is amazingly well put together, thank you!!

October 25th, 2021


Agreed. I think I came across the concept of servant leadership for the first time when I was doing my LDP course.

And indeed, it is the best kind. Thank you for sharing and reminding. You are awesome 🧡

GloriaD October 25th, 2021


Thank you for sharing with us about Servant leadership 🌻. It’s quite true that this leadership style creates a positive work environment filled with learning and growth. Employees feel like they belong in their work environment, and will feel more motivated and committed to their work/workplace 😊 I continue to look forward to your amazing, informative posts ♥️