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6 Key Questions to Ask When Choosing a Therapist

fruityPond7887 September 4th, 2022

"Finding a therapist who best meets your needs is key in your journey to mental wellness. These questions can help in your search.

Questions to ask a potential therapist

-Do you have experience treating my particular condition?

-What specific type of therapy do you recommend for my condition?

-How long will therapy last?

-Will you take a directive or less directive role?

-Is therapy offered online? In-person?

-How do you establish therapy goals?

Apart from these questions, take some time to think about what kind of therapist best fits your needs. Do you prefer an older, more experienced therapist, or perhaps someone younger who may practice new approaches?

Do you want someone from your same cultural background or are you open to anyone? Is it important that the office is close by or are you willing to commute a bit to get there?

Therapy is an important step in your wellness journey. It’s vital you find a therapist that’s a good match for you."

*If you are considering therapy, that is awesome! Therapy can be a great step in recovery and many people go to therapy at some point in their lives. Finding a good therapist for you can take some time and that's okay! It took me a few therapists before I found one that I liked and you also don't need to consistently be in therapy. I will take breaks if I feel that I am starting to burn out and that's okay too! No one's journey is the same and you have to do what's right for you! Have you ever been to therapy before? What would you recommend to those who are searching for their first time options?*

#Therapy #Recovery #Wellness

Please find the full article at Psych Central!

innateJoy9602 September 5th, 2022



While I've never seen a therapist before, these all seem like important questions to ask!

They help ensure we are getting a right fit therapist who is capable of assisting us the best way possible!

Thanks for sharing! 💛✨

fruityPond7887 OP September 12th, 2022

@innateJoy9602 Thank you for taking the time to read! 😊

calmDew1576 September 5th, 2022

@fruityPond7887 This is a huge topic and thank you for bringing it up. The fact that a therapist might not be a perfect fit for someone, doesn't mean that therapy doesn't work! There are many different psychotherapeutic approaches and not all of them are a good fit for everyone.

At the same time, just because one person is not good at what they do doesn't mean everyone is like that. It may take time to find the right therapist but it will eventually happen, and a therapist that's good for someone may not be a good fit for someone else.

Thanks for posting.

fruityPond7887 OP September 12th, 2022

@calmDew1576 Exactly! Each therapist's approach is a little different and not everyone will like the way a therapist does things! This doesn't mean that therapy isn't for you or that therapy doesn't work. It can take time to find the approach you like best!