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6 Effective technique for handling anxiety and panic attack

peterwilliams January 20th, 2019

I am sure at this point you have tried many techniques and read a lot of articles to help you overcoming the anxiety, here I will omit 6 techniques that you can try and hopefully that it will help you get better grip on your anxiety

First and foremost

Anxiety cannot be eliminated since its an essential guide to our brain to detect danger.

However we are in fallacies of perceiving things that is in fact not considered dangerous

(These techniques need to be practiced)

Without further ado The 6 effective technique

Acceptance : every time and every one who faced a anxiety or panic attack usually its byproduct of our thoughts, which we tend to agitate our thoughts into thinking thats the worse will happen. Which is very dangerous!!!!, the more we resist the more our mind confirm that this is a danger and it will keep a scar that will keep triggering every time. So try to accept it by convincing your mind (its ok)

Challenge: challenging your thought can be quite beneficial, since most of our thoughts comes from the probability of something happening that its less than 10% or irrational fear. The more you challenge your thoughts the more your mind be less agitated and will generate less negative thoughts

Humor: the use of humor can amazingly disarm the danger threat alert in your mind, take a thoughts and start turning it to a humor scenario (god I cannot stop being a drama queen, yea like this can happen mr know it all)

Exaggeration: rather than standing in front of the flow of the negative thoughts try to go aggressively with it and exaggerate the idea till it become 100% irrational

Let go of control; most of our anxiety come from our self trying to control every aspect of our life which is good to a a certain point but after couple of lines its become something that is impossible and stressful (so try to let go of things that you feel that is burden on you)

Face the fear: I am sure you heard about that but actually it does work to face your fear even if its with small amount or steps or even someone at first beside you, the goal is to establish an new reprogramming that your mind need to affirm that this is not a threat or sign that you need to panic

Bonus points

Picture your self talking to an 8 years old girl and imagine what would you told her if she had the same ideas

Stop thinking of what people will think if something happen to you when you panic

quickwittedKite5386 February 4th, 2019


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

peterwilliams OP February 6th, 2019


Thankyou and appreciate the time you took to read it

BecauseofOpenMinds February 10th, 2019

@peterwilliams thank you for sharing! Im also a fan of physical techniques to prevent panic attacks. My personal favorite is putting ice on your wrists, it cools you down physically and helps lower the blood pulse rate.

peterwilliams OP February 11th, 2019

@BecauseofOpenMinds thankyou for reading And dont forget to mix that techniques with what I mentioned or find a one comprehensive technique and work on it, wish you all the best

understandingDime698 March 12th, 2019


Thanks buddy, those are really good ones and practical. By the way, any such techniques for ADHD? Will be highly useful for me.

AffyAvo February 4th, 2019

This is an assmption that can be faulty - "However we are in fallacies of perceiving things that is in fact not considered dangerous"

Many of us with life-threatening conditions experience anxiety because of them.

peterwilliams OP February 6th, 2019


first of all thanks for reading my post and definitely i agree with you and thats what we call a good anxiety which help us to survive and strive, however i am focusing on the case of bad anxiety that control our life while real danger isnt present, moreover the definition of danger also should be examined,

best regards