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In-Person/Online Support Group Library

User Profile: VinylFly
VinylFly December 26th, 2017

The following is an incomplete library of both in-person and online free of charge or by donation support groups for those suffering from a wide range of addictions including alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex �and �pornography, eating disorders, mental health and behavioral addiction, �and other addictions not specified here. There's also a section for friends and family members of people with addictions along with some harm-reduction resources for people who are currently active in their addictions. Please feel free to add your own groups and resources which aren't on this list or to share your stories and experiences with recovery support groups.

Before we get started, let's define a few words and phrases which may be unfamiliar to many who are new to the world of addictions and recovering from them.


Abstinence: �The practice of restraining oneself completely from indulging in their addiction.

Moderation: �The practice of regulating and putting a limit on one's indulgence in addictive �behaviors �and activities.

Recovery:A process of change through which an individual achieves freedom from the problems caused by their addiction and improved health, wellness, �and �quality of life.

Sobriety: �A state of not being intoxicated by alcohol or other mind-altering substances

12-Step Program: �A spirituality and abstinence-focused program based on a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addictions. The original 12-step group was Alcoholics Anonymous and it was founded in 1935 by �Bill Wilson �and Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith (also known as "Bill W." and "Dr. Bob"). For more information about the specifics of the program and a detailed outline of the guiding principles and steps, check out the 7cups 12-step working guide (

Harm-reduction:Policies, programs, and practices that aim to reduce the harm associated with the use of substances. It is about preventing harm rather than complete abstinence, recognizing that stopping use may not be realistic or desirable for everyone.

Secular:Attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy:A type of psychotherapy that focuses on the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns in cognitions (e.g. thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), behaviors, and emotional regulation.

Now that we've got the definitions out of the way, let's get on to the list of support groups. Click on the name of each group to be directed to the group's website �smiley

General Addictions

SMART RecoveryCognitive �behavior �therapy-based self-management program.

Refuge Recovery �Mindfulness-based addiction recovery based on Buddhist philosophies.

Women for SobrietyAbstinence-based �self-help �program for women.

LifeRing Secular RecoveryPeer-run, abstinence-based, �non-12 step addiction recovery program.

Secular Organizations for Sobriety �Local non-professional groups that help individuals achieve and maintain sobriety/abstinence from alcohol and drug addiction, food addiction and more.

Online Gamers Anonymous12-step recovery program for those with video gaming addictions. This website provides information about addiction treatment providers.

Shatterproof Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming addiction treatment, ending stigma, and supporting communities.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholics Anonymous12-step program for people who seek recovery from alcoholism and �problematic �drinking.

AA Online �Online Alcoholics Anonymous meeting platform.

Moderation Management �Peer-run non-coercive support groups for anyone who would like to reduce their alcohol consumption.

HAMS �Harm reduction approach to managing alcoholism.

r/stopdrinkingReddit community for support in abstaining from drinking alcohol.

Drug Addictions

Narcotics Anonymous �12-step program for people who seek recovery from drug addiction.

NA Online �Online Narcotics Anonymous meeting platform.

Pills Anonymous12-step program for people who seek recovery from prescription drug addiction.

Cocaine Anonymous �12-step program for people who seek recovery from addiction to cocaine.

Crystal Meth Anonymous �12-step program of recovered and recovering crystal meth addicts.

Marijuana Anonymous �12-step program for people with common desire to maintain abstinence from marijuana.

r/leaves �Reddit �community for support with quitting marijuana/cannabis.

Gambling Addiction

Gamblers Anonymous �12-step program for people who have a gambling problem.

GamTalk �A supportive community helping people with gambling issues to share their experiences and ideas.

GamblingTherapy �A free online service that provides practical advice and emotional support to people affected by problem gambling.

Sex and Pornography Addictions

Sex Addicts Anonymous �12-step program for people who want to stop their addictive sexual behavior.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous �12-step program for people recovering from sex addiction and love addiction.

Sexaholics Anonymous �12-step program �for compulsive sexual acting-out.

NofapAn online �support group for those who wish to avoid pornography and masturbation.

Eating Disorders

Overeaters Anonymous �12-step program for people with problems related to food including, but not limited to, compulsive overeaters, those with binge eating disorder, bulimics and anorexics

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous �12-step program for people who have a relationship with food that parallels an alcoholic's relationship with �alcohol.

Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous �12-step program to address the mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the disorders of anorexia and bulimia.

Mental Health and Behavioral Addictions

Recovery InternationalCognitive-behavioral, peer-to-peer, self-help training system.

Emotions Anonymous �(12-step program for recovery from mental and emotional illness)

Codependents Anonymous �(12-step program for people who share a common desire to develop functional and healthy relationships)

Groups for Family and Friends of People with Addictions

Al-Anon �12-step fellowship with the stated purpose of helping relatives and friends of alcoholics.

Alateen12-step fellowship for people aged 13-18 who have an alcoholic relative or friend.

Nar-Anon �12-step program for friends and family members of those who are affected by someone else's addiction.

National Association for Children of AlcoholicsInformation, advice �and �support for everyone affected by their parent's drinking.

Harm Reduction Groups

Tripsit �A team of dedicated volunteers working to promote the safer practice of drug consumption of any sort through free, straight-forward, honest information and support in the context of harm-reduction techniques.

Erowid �A non-profit educational organization that provides information about psychoactive plants and chemicals, documenting legal and illegal substances, including their intended and adverse effects.

SeshSafety �A harm reduction-based facebook community to raise awareness of drug abuse and also provide �non-biased �advice.

Ecstasydata �A harm reduction measure for current drug users. People can send in samples of �ecstasy �pills and other street drugs to have them tested in a laboratory in order to determine their composition and prevent ingestion of potentially harmful and toxic substances. Test results are stored on the website for viewing by the general public.

User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 December 26th, 2017

I love this list! I know this will benefit many people in need of these support groups smiley Thank you for sharing!

User Profile: optimalrest
optimalrest June 30th, 2018

I found these resources to be particularly useful, though one is only accessible via the Internet Archive:

Go here & click on '12 Step Links' on the menu on the left side.

Between the ones already listed by the OP & any additional ones that can be found in these links, you should be able to find additional support for pretty much anything in the addiction realm (& sometimes beyond that).

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User Profile: VinylFly
VinylFly OP July 3rd, 2018

@optimalrest Very cool, thank you for sharing smiley

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User Profile: resourcefulPond1641
resourcefulPond1641 June 30th, 2018



Another one you could maybe add for the festival goers in the UK is The Loop:

1 reply
User Profile: VinylFly
VinylFly OP July 3rd, 2018

@resourcefulPond1641 Awesome sauce! Thank you so much for sharing. Harm reduction within the music community is so, so very important heart

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User Profile: roseMelody95
roseMelody95 July 13th, 2018

Another good drug related resource is: