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Badge Numbers vs. Badge Display Explained

Heather225 October 24th, 2023

You may have noticed when checking badges that the number of badge holders doesn’t appear to correspond with who’s displayed on the page. Not to worry - there’s an explanation for this! The counter does not update when accounts are deactivated or on break; it simply indicates how many times that badge has been issued. Ex. a badge on our reputation page will show x count but reflect a different number on the badge holder display.

As a leader, if there is someone who left or is no longer a participant in your team, and you’re in need of a badge removal, get in touch with a member of the Community Team.

AffyAvo October 24th, 2023

It also counts people who have not been active in the last 6 months - you can go to their profile, but the badge link will not take you there.

Also for those of us who are not ATLs - you will only see those in the same age group from these links.

Heather225 OP October 24th, 2023


I was not aware of that last one - thanks for pointing these out!