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Modifying Your Forum Content

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 7th, 2017

Want to edit delete or move a forum post or thread?

If after posting something and you no longer feel comfortable having that information there, or just want it changed, someone needs to do this for you. A thread can also be moved to a different topic or community.

Community Mentors and those who oversee them have forum editing capabilities.

To get our attention, you can use this form. you can also tag one of us with the @ symbol, send a message to one of the mentors, or make a new post with a link to the post in question. Flagging a post can also be used to draw our attention to it, you may write in the details why it is flagged.

Here's a link to listeners with forum editing capabilities (there is currently no way to get a list of member community mentors): Community Mentors

Notice a thread that is outdated and needs updating? Please let the Subcommunity Leadership Team know by completing this form.

Updated by @tommy July 27th, 2023
Updated by AffyAvo Jan 12, 2023