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Help Wanted: Positivity & Gratitude

User Profile: VerseArt
VerseArt February 25th, 2022

Hello Everyone! ❤️

Positivity & Gratitude team is looking for new volunteer leaders in the following roles:

Forum Supporter

The role involves selecting a focus area, supporting, and contributing in the forums consistently!

Requirements for a Member

1. 25+ forum upvotes

2. 50+ forum posts

3. 10+ forum posts per month

4. Taken Member oath

5. 5 Short Answer Questions

Requirements for a Listener

1. Verified Listener

2. 25+ forum upvotes

3. 50+ forum posts

4. 10+ forum posts per month

5. Taken the listener Community guide & the listener oath

6. 5 Short Answer Questions

Learn more about the role: Here

If you're interested in this role: Apply Here

Room Supporter

The role involves selecting a focus area, supporting, and contributing in the chatrooms consistently!

Requirements for a Member

  1. no “newbie” badge i.e. being a member for 4+ weeks
  2. have the “supportive smile” badge
  3. have completed the compassion course

Requirements for a Listener

  1. no “newbie” badge i.e. being a listener for 4+ weeks
  2. have 1100+ cheers (novice level 4)
  3. have 1+ positive written reviews
  4. have 2+ Group Support Chats

Learn more about the role: Here

If you're interested in this role: Apply Here

Chatroom Moderator

The role involves creating and maintaining a supportive and positive community culture in the member chatrooms

Requirements for a Listener

  1. 25+ group chats
  2. 2000+ cheers
  3. 4 or higher overall star rating on Listener profile
  4. 3+ written reviews
  5. have verified listener badge and graduate badge
  6. no behavior reports in the past 3 months
  7. been a Listener for at least 6 weeks
  8. been a Room Supporter for at least 2 weeks
  9. quota: send 100+ messages in member group chatrooms

Learn more about the role: HERE

If you're interested in this role: Apply HERE

Community Track: Lead Events and increase growth and activity in the sub-community
🍁 >>Community Mentors/Teen Community Stars <<
🍁 >>Community Mentor Leader <<

Thank you so much, we'd be so happy to have you if you choose to apply!

For queries related to the Positivity & Gratitude Community, please contact: @VerseArt 💛

User Profile: MidwesternCalmSeeker
MidwesternCalmSeeker March 16th, 2022

Thanks for posting this - very informative!

3 replies
User Profile: VerseArt
VerseArt OP March 16th, 2022

You're most welcome! @MidwesternCalmSeeker 😊

Let me know if you have any questions.

2 replies
User Profile: MidwesternCalmSeeker
MidwesternCalmSeeker March 19th, 2022

@VerseArt Wish I had more time to give! My volunteer hours here at 7 Cups fill up quickly right now, but I have bookmarked this in case I decide to change directions.

1 reply
User Profile: VerseArt
VerseArt OP March 19th, 2022

Hello @MidwesternCalmSeeker 😊

Thank you for bookmarking it. I look forward to working with you!

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