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Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Marhaba, Salve, Konnichiwa, etc. to all my new just over 4200 Friends!!!

anamcaranv September 6th, 2022

Special thanks to Ami for the Warm Welcome to this community. First time in here and relatively new to 7 Cups; not sure if it's been a month yet. I should check. So far, so good; really happy about a place where there is the ability to share without being judged or diagnosed. A place to speak freely within a mindset (okay, guidelines) of kindness, respect and common courtesy. I am semi-retired, keep pretty busy working from home mostly (a phone app told me I travelled 63 miles last month) and well into the ability to utilize Senior Discounts.

I consider myself as being a mindful person. Although it is something I would like to develop more of; could we ever be too mindful? I'm not sure, but would prefer to leave that discussion for persons with initials after their names.

With that in mind.... I would like to know something you were grateful for in past week. It could be something you appreciate every single day or something that doesn't happen often; to anything in between.

I'll start... Every morning I let the dogs (Zorro, Marley & Simon) out even though we have a doggie door. Our oldest, 17 y.o. Jack Russell - Zorro, started to have difficulty using the dog door several months ago. Our temperatures here this time of year range from about 105 to 110 F; but my wife likes a temp much cooler than that inside. We have southern exposure here, so for the few minutes I stand outside our back door to assist Zorro; I relish the warmth of that time of the day with the sun upon my face. Dogs take care of business and we come back inside so I can make my morning cup of Earl Grey......

Happy900 September 6th, 2022

@anamcaranv Welcome to 7cups.

I happen to love Earl Grey...

I have been at 7cups since 2019.

I love being here.

I am in leadership.

I am currently on the needs reply team here at 7cups.

At some point I hope to be a mentor here at 7cups.

I also hope to be on the operations team, and maybe become an operations mentor at some point.

I am fully retired.

I am on disability retirement.

Been retired since 1996.

anamcaranv OP September 6th, 2022


Sweet!!!!!! Not on the disability part; but the rest of it sounds fantastic! I retired from Operating
Engineers about 6 years ago; but I've been doing real estate stuff for over 20 years. I think it's awesome that you have your eyes on some great goals on such a much needed platform. In my short time here I have met some pretty cool people. A few people have reached out to me because of my bio; and that has been a very nice thing for me. Keep up the great work and you will reach those goals; just keep your eyes on the prize...... Feel free to reach out to me anytime; my participation isn't really set. Sometimes I have time during the day; other times I cannot sleep so I hop on to take care of this or that in the wee hours. Pacific time zone here and thanks for reaching out.

amiablePeace77 September 9th, 2022


Thank you for your kind words. Nice to have you in our sub-community! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Something I was grateful for in past week was being able to stay calm and centered in a challenging situation something that mindfulness taught me.