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Sleepless in WI

User Profile: JannmReiki1967
JannmReiki1967 February 11th, 2024

I'm so tired of my insomnia. I used to be on 1st shift (6am-3pm) and would be exhausted all the time, fall asleep early (before 8pm) and wake up around 1 or 2 am, and not get back to sleep, averaging 4-5 actual hours of sleep. Lots of work drama and stress on 1st.

Mid December I switched to 3rd shift (10 pm-7am) and sleep when I get home from work. Some times I sleep well, sometimes I don't.  I average about the same amount of sleep. Hardly any work drama and a lot less stressful.  

I'm still always tired (money is a lot better so that is a plus--putting away for retirement). I just want to not be tired all the time. I have a few prescriptions and natural remedies I use for sleep, but nothing seems to work 2 days in a row. I try soundscapes and different sleep music on YouTube and I can't find anything consistent.  I wake up more tired than when I fall asleep. Sometimes I try to get a quick nap in before I leave for work.  I have had bad sleep for years and do not ever get 8 hours. 6 would be an excellent night for me.

I have a fitbit which tracks my sleep and I hardly ever get REM or deep sleep. I am hoping when warmer weather gets here ( I live in WI) I can get out and walk again like I used to.  

Any one have any suggestions for me? I went to a sleep clinic several years ago and they didn't find any issues, maybe I should try it again.  

I also have chronic neck and back pain, and am too exhausted to do my exercises and stretches either when I get home in the morning or when I wake up in the afternoon.  

My fiancee works 1st shift so I try to be active when he get home a little after 3pm, but he gets aggravated with me because I don't ever want to do anything or go anywhere.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 February 11th, 2024


 being exhausted and thinking it was all about sleep is something I have faced .... it was more about my mental well being and nutrition  situation. 

If you have been to a doctor have they done any testing to see if you have an imbalance in some sort of nutrient?   or spoke about other items in your life?  .....

you had been under stress on 1st shift and even with changing and the stress changed stress does not just disappear or the effects need to dissipate over time not just "that was yesterday now all is good...."   the damage stress causes and the changes with life change like a different job or schedule takes time to adjust. 

I  funny enough found out several items about my issue  just talking to my boss whom in a former career was a doctor now he is more in an teaching / advising role......... He made some suggestions and i found part of my things were i was semi anemic and in taking some specific  vitamin items  i felt much better. 

The doctor i  had saw about things was testing and testing and going no where.......... and saying it could be this or that......that would require layers of tests and sleep study etc .......which added stress and $$ and  frustration which exacerbated the situation.  

but a simple elevator ride  chat changed my exhaustion.