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i want...

sweetangel876 June 24th, 2021

i just want a nice, handsome, 6ft, fit husband who will be loyal to me, honest, supportive, genuine and kind.. why that so hard to find?

oceanwaves508 June 24th, 2021

Hahaha 🤷🏼‍♀️ same

resourcefulOwl7361 July 14th, 2021

Same girl 😆 I’m going through breakup so not quite ready to date again but can already tell it’s going to be a shit show lol

carefulWest7433 August 11th, 2021

Just stop searching.... and the right man will appear, maybe he is the short bald one right in front of you and you just don’t see it... hehe ask for a good man, the rest the nature will provide.

free2beme2007 August 15th, 2021

It is worse when you see one that meets that description and …he is out of your league.


Serious blow to the ego.

We are "networking" now because I can't work up the courage to just say it but he probably knows it. He is HOT

Liammcdougle September 13th, 2023

@sweetangel876 how old are you

Oldsoul1618 September 14th, 2023

@sweetangel876 i believe im a 6ft, handsome, loyal, and loving male who wants a wife and i don't seem to find a woman i can trust or feel connected to.

seems that we all are lonely fishies swimming in a dark pond where its impossible for us to recognize each other, and all we ever encounter is the fisher hook that will only hurt.

hang on nice people maybe better things are waiting for all of us in the future :)

RedStar01 September 14th, 2023


Hard to find? Do you even know what your chaces are?

Just look and think where you posted your message and make your corrections accordingly ... lol