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Why so judgeMENTAL?

User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 January 3rd, 2022

why judge someone's behaviour as being a mental health issue? Based on assumptions alone.

Why is it normal for some people, to act crazy when it suits you? But it's a mental health problem when it doesn't suit you.

Just look at the internet. It's every where. It's self expression.

Celebs, athletes all do it

But when people don't like it all of a sudden it's their mental health

Can anyone help me understand this?

Btw I'm not speaking about myself

I've got actual problems but I'm not trying to take away from anyone else's

User Profile: tidyPlum2296
tidyPlum2296 January 4th, 2022

@imaginativePear6493 My opinion is celebs and athletes surround themselves with supportive people, otherwise they would never have gotten their success in the first place. Those of us who suffer a lot tend to have patronizing self centered people around us.

8 replies
User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 4th, 2022


Thanks for your opinion

Any thoughts on being judged by assuming?

User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 4th, 2022

@tidyPlum2296 in some cases it's the people who surround them, supporting them at first that can be the most judgemental.

At first they see it as no problem when it's directed outward but when it doesn't suit them it's a problem and a mental health issue.

6 replies
User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 4th, 2022

@imaginativePear6493 I'm not taking shots at celebs it's the ones who don't like the behaviour when it doesn't suit them

No problem with success
5 replies
User Profile: tidyPlum2296
tidyPlum2296 January 5th, 2022


I find a lot of people make assumptions, I think it's just easier for them to assume than to take the time to consider things fully. We have all pre-judged at some point but we have to learn to outgrow those behaviours, and unfortunately not everyone thinks like that.

I actually met a girl on here that was my "volunteer" and we became friends she lived an hour away, after a couple of months she became really judgy, but I figured that's her issue, she literally tried to make me feel bad for talking about something I was going through, she actually said, you know people have X issue in the world and I shouldn't complain, when I literally had told her I had the exact problem and a lot worse even lol.

I hope this is helpful.

4 replies
User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 6th, 2022


You make good point. No one likes being judged based on assumptions. Mental health is a sensitive thing and stigmatisation is real. It can be really fragile at times.

People who have experience tend to be more compassiinate with empathy because they understand how tough it can get.

Hey I'm sorry to hear about your experience with being judged listeners are supposed to be supportive and constructive never judgemental.i hope you find 1 that's more like that. Keep trying I think eventually you'll get there

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User Profile: tidyPlum2296
tidyPlum2296 January 7th, 2022


Hey I'm sorry to hear about your experience with being judged listeners are supposed to be supportive and constructive never judgemental.i hope you find 1 that's more like that. Keep trying I think eventually you'll get there

Yes I totally agree with you about people who have gone through it being more compassionate.

Although there is stigma I think it's important to not give away too much to those people and just spend more time around people who are non judgemental.

About the listener I've had some great ones, a couple were sucky but I'm not going to waste a moment thinking about them, they're not that important ;)

Glad I could help. All the best.

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User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 6th, 2022


Thanks for the feed back I was hoping someone would give their point of view

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User Profile: tidyPlum2296
tidyPlum2296 January 10th, 2022


Glad to help.

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User Profile: determinedShip1191
determinedShip1191 January 6th, 2022


I may not have understood correctly what you have written, but there seems to be a culture in many places of being the victim and people pretend to have mental health issues. This minimizes the real issues people have.

3 replies
User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 7th, 2022


Example. Someone acts a certain way like loud, you know full of energy says or does stuff that could be offensive to some, which happens a lot and no one arround them really cares for a long time. But as soon as it looks bad for them it's a mental health issue.

It's stigmatising people I think

I'm not saying it's not a possibility but it's only when it's a problem for them or makes them look bad it's a health thing. Regardless of the outside people who may have got their feelings hurt along the way.

If you have an opinion pls share I'm trying to learn what other people who have dealt with anxiety, social anxiety or mental health in general think.

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User Profile: determinedShip1191
determinedShip1191 January 7th, 2022


I think I understand, some people have words, sounds, smells or situations that can trigger an anxiety or other mental health issue. For instance in the past someone may have seen something terrible in the past and associate a sound or smell with that and get ptsd or anxiety.

Or perhaps with political correctness people hear something and have a reaction to it and label their reaction a mental illness/health issue?

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User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 7th, 2022


Hey thanks I appreciate your point if view

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User Profile: An1mal
An1mal January 9th, 2022


Because most of it is fed by self ego and attention seeking to me. Granted people can be mentally ill and genuinely react in not pleasent ways at times but others use mental health as an excuse to be that way to others as a - do what I want and get away with it badge. I suppose its all down to human nature and getting others to look at them for drama and attention, good or bad because they are reaching out and dont know how to do it in a more positive way through life conditioning.

Just my take on it all. Ego also has a huge part in this to tell others to look at them so they are constantly in the limelight, that alone becomes toxic to others over time.

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User Profile: imaginativePear6493
imaginativePear6493 OP January 9th, 2022


Hey thanks animal

Honestly I just wanted to bring to attention something I think important and see what people think.

Stigma is real and for people who are vulnerable it can be a trigger.

If we can help each other be better, healthier people it's a good thing

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User Profile: An1mal
An1mal January 9th, 2022


Absolutely for that but depends if people see it that way

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