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Newbie anxiety in work

navyApricot4268 February 15th, 2022

Hi I am really struggling at the moment with my anxiety, im in a relatively new job which is very demanding and im having panic attacks and sleepless nights. I feel like my intrusive thoughts interfere with my life and take over leaving me feeling very unwell

Jennysue48 February 15th, 2022

What works for me is exercise. Just not to close to bedtime. Nice brisk walks outside.

cmbell08 February 16th, 2022

Hi, @navyApricot4268. I have been feeling the exact same way this week! I have been in this new role for only about two months, but I already feel so much pressure to perform and succeed. And the ironic thing is I work for an online therapy platform! You'd think our company would be more mindful of how workloads can affect mental health.

Have you ever tried any meditations? There is one app called Insight Timer that has a BUNCH of free stuff, like so much free.

I hope you have a better day today. :) <3

Helpothersasihelpu February 17th, 2022

if you are getting problems in managing work, try doing next 5 things to be done, and then next 5 and likewise, this should ease pressure of work on you, and makes life more manageable

February 17th, 2022


Hello there, Navy Apricot <3

Please hang in there. You're not alone :-) Sending you blessings and prayers for courage, strength, and inner peace. This difficult patch that you're going through is just a learning experience. You will make it out, just like you've made your way through every challenge that you've faced in your life up to this day <3 We be-leaf in you! :-)

I've been going through something similar. Going back to Louise Hay tapes on YouTube has really helped me calm down. I'm sharing the link to my favourite recording of hers here: I've also been reading a book by Brene Brown called "I Though It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame". It's like a warm hug. It might help you as well.

Take care and we hope to hear from you soon to find out how you're doing now!

navyApricot4268 OP February 17th, 2022

Thank you for all the kind words it means so much x

azuleyes February 22nd, 2022


Panic attacks, insomnia, intrusive thoughts - sounds like you have some serious issues with anxiety. I have anxiety too in new jobs and elsewhere when one's performance and ability is on the line, but no panic attacks, or insomnia or intrusive thoughts. I think the anxiety has really taken over your life to an extent that warrants seeking professional help.