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Marriage Fix???

User Profile: Nyquill
Nyquill February 27th, 2021

So I've been with my Wife since 1997. We have 4 kids. Until less than a year ago we thought we had a normal marriage. Situations occurred and we found many things going on emotionally within ourselves that were not being met and really didn't know if love was even still alive. Spent is the word I have for this yo-yo of a year. Bottom line is we started really communicating again 3 days go... I don't know what this means but it may mean it's really over... not sure.

User Profile: ZenWaters
ZenWaters February 27th, 2021

You’re right, it has been a yo-yo year in so many ways. We are adjusting to new stressors every day. It is completely understandable if you and your spouse are both stretched thin right now. Give yourselves and each other some grace. What would need to happen in your marriage for you to feel safe and secure? Where do you find hope for your marriage? Are you comfortable sharing those thoughts with your partner?

User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo February 27th, 2021


Hello and first might I congratulate you on getting this far in your marriage! *high fives* smiley

I had some thoughts for you. Wondering if you might want to do a google search for the 5 stages of marriage or even Identity and the life cycle? As for me, I feel like knowledge is power. Perhaps reading these things will let you know that truly, you are not alone my friend! heart

I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now! You have been together for quite a long time and have 4 amazing children together. I'm guessing things haven't always been so very easy for the pair of you and I'm thinking the both of you may have hit many a speed bump along the way. It does have a tendency to wear on you, wear you down, some days feel as if everyone has eaten you up and spit you out. Hard to have romance when one has rolled up their sleeves for this long. It's understandable. I'm glad that you and your spouse have spent 3 days together discussing your feelings, maybe coming to terms with things.

I'm uncertain as to what particular stage you might be in currently within your marriage. I have to wonder if maybe the two of you are moving into the friendship/goal settting stage? Seems to me this is the stage for planning and coming together...common goals in mind, preparing for the golden years and preparing in how to help propel your children forward towards greatness. Change is so very hard especially when you are staring at the same person and wondering if they have had the ability to change right along with you.

My understanding is that peoples personalities can even change every 3 years or so. I think it's because of more information, new experiences. Life really does have a way of changing us as people over time.

I commend you for reaching out and caring for your family such as you do! I hope you keep posting here and let us know how things are going. Maybe we could continue to wrap our arms around you and help you along with the process? I appreciate you and your post! This was very brave of you to share! I send you big *hugs*heart

User Profile: jayen009
jayen009 May 22nd, 2021

Well...........In my case I am alone and lookinfg for someone to come in my life......what you guys think of I am 43 you think i should go for having new life partner in this age or i should live my life as it is ??