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Very sad and lonely lately.

jules1054 October 24th, 2022

I went through a really traumatic ending two months ago that I’m still navigating through. It was a sudden loss of someone who left me without much warning and conversation. It’s left me very empty and feeling more alone than I’ve ever felt. I really wish I had a friend or someone to share with. I know this feeling will pass but I struggle since it comes in waves and haunts me 😔

SweetPea321 October 25th, 2022

I'm sorry for your loss ❤ I hope the pain goes away sooner than later.

affectionateCat9553 October 25th, 2022


You can keep in touch with me if you like. I'm always looking to make new friends. Sorry about what you are going through. I know how it is to lose someone. I know how it feels to feel abandoned. I hope you are still able to live your life despite what you are going through.

jules1054 OP October 25th, 2022

Thank you so much for your kind words. I would love to chat sometime. I certainly am always looking to make new friends as well, especially with people who can relate :)

ivoryFig1234 October 25th, 2022


I understand and can feel you... Coz the same has happened to me... The person i love so much... And who loves me as well... Has idk left me or what... But that person has been ignoring me so bad... They said they would never leave me and it was a lot going on on their side... But still idk what it is... But i feel like he.ll and i don't know if they wanna talk to me anymore or not.. bur i still them a lot. And without them each second seems like a punishment...

RideaRainbow October 25th, 2022


I am so sorry you were subjected to this traumatic experience. We are told repeatedly that nothing is permanent so move on with your life and recall the lovely moments with that person, am sure there must have been lots.

Take care


jules1054 OP October 25th, 2022

Thank you for your kind words ♥️

Bryanwu2006 October 25th, 2022


I had a friend who was like that, sometime during last year we don't talk to each other as we usually do and the friendship ultimately broke, we might have different situations but I know how it feels. Stay Positive! We are here!


jules1054 OP October 25th, 2022

Thank you for the support and kind words!

intellectualFan2851 October 25th, 2022

@jules1054 are so right about the waves...and while I cannot offer much (personally) neither do I know any groups-chats that are constantly rosy (chat depends on "who" and sometimes chat is dominated by hours and hours of hilarity so no one is logged on to be helpful) I do know once in a while we catch breaks..

and I hope when you do, when you find a helpful conversation or two in groups, I hope those are restful times..and then you keep being on the upward swing. I know no one said anything about "loss", or "self worth" but I was very recently cautioned(by someone wise) they seem to go hand in hand so just in case this was going to help - I hope whatever you encountered sees no diminish in your sense of are still very full ..very intact

...sending good vibes !!!! 💪💪💪

Janna708 October 25th, 2022

I know exactly how you feel, because I’m going through the same. I’d love to show you some support because I know how bad it hurts. Please do text me

jules1054 OP October 25th, 2022

Thank you Janna - would love to connect and share some support with one another ♥️

jules1054 OP October 25th, 2022

I’m curious how do we connect through private messages here? I can’t seem to figure out how to message you.

calmMango9611 October 25th, 2022

@jules1054 I am so very sorry your struggling right now.

I truly am.

I hope things get better for you.

One thing that I might suggest, is that you might want to try our group support rooms here at 7cups.

They might be of some help to you.

Just a thought.

I hope this helps.

Again, I am very sorry your hurting right now. I truly am.