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User Profile: fairmindedTortoise4898
fairmindedTortoise4898 June 8th, 2023

Train of thoughts today.

I haven't been social fot a while but I do have interaction at home and also with family. I realize something.

My questions are often will be in context of how to care and help a person because I am a dad and they are also in context NOT to be respect.

But people responses are basically not helpful to me and often times nothing or rejected into ending the conversation if considered that.

When I respond to questions, others are easy to apply my answers for what ever they ask about. Which means my answers are exactly what is useful to they move on.

Which one is more respectful? An answer that is helpful to the person or answers that is not clear and limited.

I am curious to see what insights from you. Is this normal, it depends on conversation or what but I am speaking from experience in general

Please share you insight

User Profile: fairmindedTortoise4898
fairmindedTortoise4898 OP June 8th, 2023

And if its my questioning method, then what can I change?

User Profile: fairmindedTortoise4898
fairmindedTortoise4898 OP June 8th, 2023

What I mean by apply, if the person is try to act on a decision and stuck so they ask me or especially me, I ask them.