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Manic episode

FighterCat38 May 29th, 2022

What do you do with yourself when you are manic and can't sit/keep still?

FighterCat38 OP May 29th, 2022

And also no concentration?

May 29th, 2022

Walks or running through a big field can help you feel free when you don't want to sit still

gentlePine5581 May 29th, 2022

I was feeling that I went for a walk and took a cold shower. I don’t know why the cold really felt good because I was feeling so uncomfortable and restless

carefulHouse7715 May 29th, 2022

This doesnt always work but when I feel myself spiraling I usually use the 478 method. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7, breath out for 8. But sometimes it make you soffocate still kinda works tho.

JenniferGrubeLCSW May 29th, 2022

So these thoughts and feelings are very real for many. You have a few suggestions. I recommend that when your thoughts are racing, think of the wheel of a bycicle when jacked up in the rear and the more you spin it, the faster it gets. So, if you stick a cog (or stick) in between the spokes what happens? The cog makes the wheel stop. So, use this analogy and identify at least 3 “behavioral cogs” in which you will use to stop the racing thoughts or anxiety. One behavioral cog may be counting from 50-1. Counting backwards uses a different part of your brain. Also, someone mentioned both imagery and deep breathing. You must find what works best for YOU and be consistent. You’re a fighter cat so, you know how to get a job done!

Wrehn May 30th, 2022

I entertain myself. I turn on music, if that doesn’t help, I reach out to talk to my friend. That usually does the trick, if he is not available then I read or play apps in my phone. The one activity that will really calm me down is watching Netflix or a good movie. Once that I’m calm, I also incorporate a cleaning project while finish watching the show.

MuteAnt May 30th, 2022

I am a musician, so I usually play piano for hours or pace around. I will smoke weed (all day) to attempt to chill out.