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Hi Guys I’m new here.

LoveLoveLove3 April 27th, 2022

Hello everyone I just downloaded this app cause someone on Facebook in a support group suggested it. A little back story on me: I left my husband and of 15 years back in November. He was mentally, emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive. Now I am on my own and having a difficult time. Not because I miss him but because I have 2 kids and I have to provide financially all by myself. I am proud of myself for finally walking away but I’m just in a place of u certainty. I’m here because I have no family support and I do not have a single friend in this world. I’m not sure how to meet any friends at 35. At work I’m the youngest one here and no one else is even from my generation so we don’t have much in common. Well I hope to make a few friends and have people I can talk to. I’m usually just with my kids and they don’t understand how I feel. Sorry didn’t wanna make this too long. Thanks for reading. 🙂

Bh03 April 28th, 2022

I’m new to this as well I’m struggling with anxiety lately and have no friends either if you want to chat sometime please reach out

resourcefulPlane6032 April 28th, 2022

Hey everything is gonna be fine

Alaya22 April 28th, 2022

Hi Love! I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to make that decide but I’m so glad you did. It’s great that you prioritised yourself! It can definitely be so hard to deal with this without proper support. I’m glad you reached out here for support. Please feel free to drop me a message in case you want to chat to someone. I’ll try my best to be here for you and listen to you. Take care!