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Feeling a little more hopeful

courageousPomegranate766 November 11th, 2022

Today has been ok for me. I have been so isolated and feeling alone because of the obstacles that I have been facing. It has especially been difficult because sometimes I feel like I am doing everything on my own without the family and friend support that I think I should have. Sometimes I think I am asking to much. A visit or a hug from the people I love seems to be to much to ask.

I have been working so hard to do better in life despite the negative thoughts about myself.

I guess it's not for me to understand why. I'm a person who believes in hugs. I am a person who likes to smile. I am a person who usually loves people and life.

MidwesternCalmSeeker November 15th, 2022


I'm glad you are feeling more hopeful. It's hard to go it alone and not feel the right level of support. Maybe reaching out to a few friends or family members may help to reconnect you with those who have been sources of comfort in the past. It could be they are also seeking the same. We all struggle to stay in touch on occasion. Life can get in the way. I hope you start to feel it coming back to you very soon!