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Body dysmorphia

User Profile: amiableCurrent1062
amiableCurrent1062 July 13th, 2022

I have struggled with a eating disorder on and off since I was 13 , I’ve never learned how to have a good relationship with food. I will binge eat for a couple of months, feeling completely disgusting afterwards, then I’ll go a couple of months barely eating anything. I just feel so disgusted with myself because I’ve been eating soo much and gained some weight lately and all I want to do is cover myself up and just starve myself until I’m thin. It sucks because I think social media has driven me to have this body dysmorphia. all we see nowadays is women/men who have unrealistic bodies and that is seen as the beauty standards that is impossible to reach. It puts a toll on me, and I don’t really have any clue on how not to compare myself to others when all I see is people who are prettier than me. I just feel like I’ll never be enough.

User Profile: wonderfulSoul4237
wonderfulSoul4237 August 23rd, 2022

@amiableCurrent1062 It sounds like you're struggling with binge eating and comparing yourself to other people and to often unrealistic beauty standards, which is causing you to feel self-loathing and have low self-esteem. This resource may be helpful to you: You might also consider posting in the Eating Disorders community to connect with more people who have had similar experiences. Feel free to message me anytime if you would like to talk more about this. I hope you find peace and balance in your life.