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Where to meet new friends?

Tesy July 26th, 2023


i just moved into new city and i basically know noone here.

I feel lonely often and without proper social support from peers. I would like to change that.

What in your opinion is a good place to meet new friends?

toughTiger6481 July 26th, 2023


If you have any hobbies or things you would like to do many places have clubs/ groups/ social events around items....

I have found these using Meet Up app or if exploring your new area local owned specialty stores / coffee shops may have bulletin board with events coming up etc....

creativeBlueberry7475 August 2nd, 2023


I'm new here, but I feel like I can help you!

To make friends consider things you like to do first. Are you a gym goer? Or more of a book nerd?

You could join a group gym class to put yourself out there or maybe a book club instead. (Not limiting to these things but the first examples I could think of)

Some friendships start in the most random ways such as complimenting someone's style or asking for advice in some cases.

If you are religious you could consider joining a church and signing up for any groups they might have. If you're a nerd, you could surely find a D and D group.

Really hoping this helps!

justjack2001 August 5th, 2023


Moving to a new city can be challenging, but it also presents an excellent opportunity to make new friends and build a social circle. Here are some places and activities where you might meet new people and potential friends:

1. Join clubs or groups based on your interests: Look for clubs, hobby groups, or organizations that align with your hobbies or passions. Whether it's a sports team, an art class, a book club, or a community service group shared interests can help foster connections

2. Attend social events and meetups: Check local event listings for social gatherings, workshops, or networking events in the city. .

3. Engage in community activities: Participate in community events, volunteer work, or local festivals. These events can introduce you to people who are also looking to connect and be part of the community.

4. Attend classes or workshops: Consider taking a class or workshop related to your field of interest or even something entirely new. It's a great way to meet like-minded individuals while learning something new.

5. Use social media and apps: Look for local *** groups, Reddit communities, or friendship apps where people connect based on shared interests or activities.

6. Attend professional networking events: If you're working or studying, attend networking events in your industry or academic field. Networking can lead to both professional and personal connections.

7. Go to cafes, co-working spaces, and local hangout spots: Frequent places where people gather, such as coffee shops, co-working spaces, or local parks. You might meet friendly locals in these casual settings.

Remember, building friendships takes time and effort, so be patient and open to new experiences. Initiate conversations, be approachable, and show genuine interest in others. It's normal to feel a bit nervous at first, but don't be discouraged if not every interaction leads to a deep connection. Keep putting yourself out there, and eventually, you'll find people with whom you resonate. Good luck in making new friends and creating meaningful connections in your new city!

TheToastGod August 27th, 2023


A good thing to do to is look into social events that your city is putting on. Club meetings, competitions, food gatherings, etc. If you are over 21, bars can be a great place to meet and connect with people.

Hope this helps :)