Unsure of what to do next…
I need advice on how to pick myself back up after losing everything I’ve ever loved. I am now starting over without anything or anyone and I need to find the motivation to try. I’ve made some decisions in my life that were selfish and I didn’t think that things would escalate and happen the way they did. I was ignoring the consequences and they just got worse. Now that I’ve lost it all, I haven’t had a day since that I’ve felt happy. I feel overwhelming guilt and anxiety every day and have torn myself down until I now hate myself and my appearance is almost unrecognizable. How do I motivate myself to get up and do things I need to do, and how do I learn to love myself again? I’m almost 22 and shouldn’t be so unhappy but I am….
@overloverlay Making mistakes, ignoring the consequences is a very human thing to do. Guilt is just a club to hit yourself over the head. Thought full of “should have”, “could have” are not your friends. When you notice your mind go there it’s best to stop and pay attention to the present. 22 is a great place to start over. Difficult, depressing at times, but what else you going to do? You got this!
@overloverlay Hello! Making mistakes is human. I like to call it growing pains, as kids we felt these strange pains that we couldn't explain, and our parents would tell us "it just means you're growing" and low and behold here we are, all grown up. No one tells you the same when you're an adult, when you mess something up, say the wrong thing, mingle with the wrong people, etc. But these are still growing pains, the only difference is that no one tells you what it is. Growing pains suck, but they're a necessity. Without them we would never learn anything, we would still be scared little kids.