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bestTalker9406 August 4th

Will you wish Happy friendship day to your friends who won't wish first from their side?



I would. I actually did! xD 

Sometimes gotta just ask what's more important, the friendship or who initiates first. 

Of course, there's multiple factors to consider. If you're the first to initiate *always*, and it isn't even acknowledged by the "friend", then nope, I wouldn't consider them a friend in the first place. So wishing them wouldn't make sense hehe.

Relationships, any kind, I feel, should be with people who meet us half-way atleast, we of course, go farther on some of their not-the-best-kinda days, and they can try doing that for us too but again, gotta see if the person is really in it as much as we are. 

What are your thoughts on this? 😊

bestTalker9406 OP August 4th

I agree with you 💯