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Need to talk to someone?

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It can sometimes be difficult to find support from family members, friends, or like minded people. While you might have a best friend or a support system and network such as groups on social media, you might want to seek support without any social interaction.

Our listeners provide emotional support through active listening. Active listening helps process your emotional distress. The following page can be filtered to seek listeners who provide long-term help and support. You can also browse listeners according to your preferred language as well as for different topics amongst other filters.

7 Cups is a chat site/app that has different options to find a good listener. You can meet new people and text chat with other individuals going through tough times - you are not alone! Everyone goes through a hard time at some point in their lives and we are here for you. Whether you are facing relationship problems, panic attacks, struggling with substance abuse, loneliness, depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue, our site/app is a safe space based on confidential, anonymous support.

A good idea is to consider what form of support you would like in the first place - we have plenty of options to explore and one of the best ways is to give them a try to find out what works for you. We understand that different people have different needs and preferences. All these support services are appropriate for different situations.

This page can help you seek a trained active listener to talk to through 1-on-1 conversations. These listeners come from different walks of life and all are ready to offer a compassionate listening ear to people who would like to talk to someone else. You can select their username to view their detailed profile page with their shared bio and other information such as whether they have lived experience of mental health conditions or topics, their reviews, as well as their training and other badges. While our listeners do not provide direct advice, their support can help you vent your feelings and concerns in a safe space and you can work together to figure out healthy coping tools.

Listener conversations can vary in duration according to your listener's and your personal availability. Some listeners have the option to schedule chats with them in advance. You can always browse for listeners and leave them a message so that they can get back to you with their availability.

There are several other ways you can find someone to talk to at 7 Cups. These include the group chats and subcommunities. We are glad you are taking the first step towards support!

Our group chat rooms are online chat rooms that serve as different support groups where you can send text messages 24/7. We are a global community with people from all over the world. Some chat rooms include the Sharing Circle room, which is a non-judgemental safe space based on the traditions of AA and similar support groups. This space can prove helpful if you need a group of people to talk to who can listen and get to know you over a long time. Sharing your feelings and experiences as well as listening to those of others can help feel supported. You can expand your support network and make online supportive friends and connections!

On the other hand, if you would like to interact with people and talk to someone over forums, we have dedicated subcommunities for over 45+ topics covering a wide range of mental illness support topics through various sub-forums. Our subcommunities provide support, awareness, events, as well as opportunities to participate in light-hearted icebreakers.

Apart from the above mentioned mental health services at 7 Cups, we have affordable therapy options allowing you to seek online therapy for mental health problems with an online therapist, licensed psychologist, and other mental health professionals. This support is affordable as compared to other online and offline services or other options like support through insurance companies. Therapists are also available to talk to throughout the week on working days.

While our community can help support you after you have lost someone else to suicide, 7 Cups is not to be used in the state of active/passive suicidal thoughts - for such cases, please visit helpful resources such as the Samaritans or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. For a complete list of helpful resources, click here.

If you would like to gain further insight and helpful information about different mental health topics, you can visit our Community Questions and Answers pages, or read our Expert Mental Health News and Advice articles. Other main features you can explore include our self-help guides and growth paths based on treatment protocols available for free!

The bottom line is, you are never alone - 7 Cups is a community aiming to provide compassion on a global scale. There are various ways to talk to someone at 7 Cups. These include 1-on-1 conversations based on active listening and support through trained listeners, group chats with support discussions and Sharing Circles, and the subcommunity forums. Other features that you may find helpful include the growth paths, community questions and answers, as well as expert advice sections.

L Helper 1 59
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
I'm a Clinical Psychology graduate who's here to provide the comfort and support of a warm hug through a conversation on your screen ^-^
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
Îmi doresc să ajut oamenii care se află într-o situație dificilă sau delicată, fie că sunt la început, fie că au ajuns într-un punct mai avansat. Fiecare dintre noi trece prin etape de viață care, pe de o parte, ne sunt străine, dar pe de altă parte, știm că există o lege nevăzută care stă la baza oricărui proces. Cu toate acestea, percepția noastră interioară nu ne poate întotdeauna ajuta să facem schimbări semnificative. Avem nevoie de influențe binefăcătoare, de oameni care ne ascultă cu adevărat, care ne văd cu adevărat și care doresc să contribuie la îmbunătățirea modului în care atragem viața, o viață care, deși pare lungă, este măsurată, iar atunci când trece, rămânem cu ceea ce am semănat în ființa noastră. Există câteva întrebări esențiale care nu ar trebui să lipsească din viața noastră de zi cu zi: Oare îmi ocup cu adevărat spațiul și timpul care îmi sunt date? Mă cunosc pe mine însumi? Am păstrat curiozitatea de a înțelege marele mecanism al vieții, fără a mă închide la necunoscut? În ce direcție mă îndrept și care îmi sunt posibilitățile? Sunt dispus să fac un act voluntar de a interveni în condiția mea obișnuită de a fi, care nu m-a dus întotdeauna în cele mai bune situații? Ce nu văd din cauza identificării prea mari cu imaginea pe care o am despre mine, care variază în funcție de conjunctură? În ce să am încredere în mine și cu ce să mă aliez pentru a mă descurca mai bine în viață și pentru a valorifica ceea ce sunt? De asemenea, care sunt momentele concrete în care ar trebui să mă opresc din fluxul automat și să mă privesc cu adevărat? Cine sunt când nimeni nu mă vede? Când am încetat să mă opresc din cunoaștere și unde mi-e dorința de a exista mai întreg, mai liber în interior?
L Novice 5 20
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
Trying to love myself and others as much as possible
L Newbie 4 8
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
Hi there! 😊 Whatever it is that you are going through right now, please remember that you are not alone. There are some people out in this world who share your pain and others are here to offer you support and help guide you through the difficult moment you are going through... so if you feel like there is anything I can help with by listening and discussing, just drop me a message and I will reply as soon as I can. I've been through a fair share of dark places myself and I know just how much having someone by your side to provide a different perspective can help. Also, I am an avid consumer of content and information related to psychology and spirituality among others, which can be very helpful. *Putem de asemenea vorbi în limba română... știu că uneori viața poate deveni complicată și mi-ar face mare plăcere să pot fi alături de tine într-un moment dificil, să-ți ofer poate o nouă perspectivă asupra problemei cu care te confrunți. Trimite-mi un mesaj și voi răspunde cât de repede posibil. “But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
HR & Sales Manager with 4 years of experience in working with people and financial problems.
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
I am a clinical psychologist with training in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. I provide counseling and psychotherapy with a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic orientation to individuals facing difficulties in relationships, anxiety issues, depressive disorders, panic attacks, psycho-emotional instability, insomnia, phobias, psycho-sexual inhibitions, challenges with sexual identity (LGBTQ), addictions, nightmares, fears, as well as those seeking self-discovery and personal development. I work with adults, adolescents, and couples of any psycho-sexual orientation, either online or in-person at my office. I wish you great courage, and if you’ve embarked on this journey toward a less painful existence, I am confident that you will succeed.
L Discoverer 10 638
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last month
Hello there, I am a 22 yo listener. I am here to help anyone.