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dermatillomania help!
Anxiety Support / by zadieluna
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February 10th, 2023
...See more so i have anxiety, adhd and severe ocd (harm ocd, symmetry ocd and dermatillomania). during class i will compulsively pick my skin and get hyperfixated on it instead of doing what i need to do, and it's incredibly frustrating. its extremely difficult to explain because almost no one has heard of it and i wish there was something i could do to prevent myself from getting distracted like this. does anyone have/know of any discreet fidgets for dermatillomania?
zadieluna profile picture
dermatillomania help!
Anxiety Support / by zadieluna
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February 10th, 2023
...See more so i have anxiety, adhd and severe ocd (harm ocd, symmetry ocd and dermatillomania). during class i will compulsively pick my skin and get hyperfixated on it instead of doing what i need to do, and it's incredibly frustrating. its extremely difficult to explain because almost no one has heard of it and i wish there was something i could do to prevent myself from getting distracted like this. does anyone have/know of any discreet fidgets for dermatillomania?
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family issues
General Support / by zadieluna
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February 3rd, 2023
...See more tw // mentions of verbal/emotional ab*se & family issues so i wouldnt say i have an abusive family or anything but we definitely all have conflicting personalities and ways of dealing with different situations. my dad is incredibly stern and close-minded with his attitude, hes only of those people who always sounds like they're shouting/mad at you when you're just trying to have a normal conversation. hes really opinionated in his views and not really open to hear aything other people have to say or talk about feelings. my mom on the other hand is the opposite, shes super sensitive like you could raise your voice by the slightest bit and she'll act like you're super mad at her. she takes everything super personally and whenever anyone is mad about literally ANYTHING, she'll always assume they're mad at her. you can see how this isn't a good combination and it causes a lot of stress in my household; its not like they fight a lot or anything, but everyone in my family has extremely conflicting personalities and it makes it extremely hard to get along with them or do literally anything as a family together. a lot of the times, my mom ends up venting to me about my sister or my dad and i have to talk to her about feelings even though she never asks me about mine. sometimes it feels like im the most emotionally mature person but im too exhausted from them to bother giving them family therapy or whatever so i just try not to get involved. i wouldn't classify this as emotional, verbal or mental abuse but sometimes i feel like my dad gets really close. i dont know if my situation is serious enough compared to others, i feel so sorry for everyone with severe issues at home but for me i always try to remember that my trauma from my dad is still trauma no matter how severe in a way, i look up to my parents in terms of who they are, just not what they've done. all of them are pretty immature and its quite annoying to watch from afar. i want to be successful and accomplish the things that they all have, but i dont want to be this kind of parent to my child. can anyone relate? does any of this even make sense?
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hi im new, i wanted to ask everyone's advice on something that's been bothering me for a while
Anxiety Support / by zadieluna
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February 15th, 2023
...See more tw // panic attacks so hello, my name is sadie i go by she/her. i am diagnosed with severe ocd, anxiety, depression, adhd, and tics. i really need somebody's advice because whenever i have panic attacks i never know what to do. ive had 3 panic attacks in my life, and they all seem to happen after an anxiety inducing thing has happened, or during it. I am performing tomorrow night and saturday morning at a venue for the first time, ive done lots of practicing and i know ill be fine but my friends and family keep talking about how excited they are, and its making me really anxious. let me tell you about what happens during my panic attacks, because no one ive ever met has ever experienced these symptoms. I get lockjaw, which basically feels like i can't move my jaw at all or talk or feel anything in my mouth. my airways close up, i can only breath through my nose. all my saliva accumulates in my mouth because i can't swallow it (i assume this is a reaction to stress or something, idrk) and it tastes awfully of rust and blood. it feels like im dying. before anyone says this is tetnis i have already had my tetnis shot and theres no reason it would be a coincidence that these incidents happened the day of my big oral presentation or my school's picture day. i also get this lockjaw feeling right before im about to throw up so i guess you could say getting a panic attack feels like im about to throw up too, which definitely lines up with how i described it during my first one (i didn't know what was happening or how to descirbe it because it was unlike any pain ive ever felt before). it feels like an impending doom crashing down on me, it is so painful i would rather just be put to sleep than deal with it for any longer. i really do not want this to happen during my show. does anyone have any similar experiences to this, or can identify if this is in fact a panic attack or possibly something else? i honestly have no idea but they are some of the worst pain ive ever experienced and they usually happen at school (not fun). another weird thing that happens during/after these is that i get uncontrollable hiccups, i am usually good about stopping my hiccups with different water techniques but no matter what i do i can never get rid of the hicciups i get after panic attacks. is this a normal thing? can anyone help me with whats going on, or give advice on how to calm down and not get one before/during/after my performance?
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hi im new here, i wanna talk about labels and how i feel abt them
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by zadieluna
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February 3rd, 2023
...See more so hello everyone, my name is sadie i go by she/her and i wanna talk about my labels rq so i have no idea what my gender or sexuality is, i feel like ive never really needed to label it specifically bc i do feel like a female but i also relate a lot to the term bigenderflux. im comfortable just telling people im a girl for now but its always sort of bothering me in the back of my head i always tell people i am bisexual just because more people understand it but honestly i feel like its way more complicated than that, i think the best way i can describe myself is bisexual panromantic but its raelly hard to explain (hopefully yall understand) i wanna clarify that i have no problem with labels and if u wanna use them or not, i just have had some trouble finding what works for me and i find it easier just to say idk. im somewhere on the spectrum of everything i just dk where lol much love to everyone <3
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hey i have a bit of a technical question
General Support / by zadieluna
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February 2nd, 2023
...See more so i am able to post threads in communities and reply and everything but i can't chat with anyone. even noni. whenever i type something into the chat box and hit enter it doesn't go through? i cant join group chats either. it used to work and now it doesnt, can someone please help? much love :)
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