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Number of ratings64 Number of reviews46 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish, Hindi, Kannada Listener sinceJul 15, 2020 Last activein last week PathStep 282 People helped321 Chats1,369 Group support chats3 Listener group chats53 Forum posts130 Forum upvotes222

*not taking member chats right now :)*


im YANA/ can call me whateveru like lol

*disclaimer: please please no s*x related chats, its innappropriate...and im not comfortable with it*

i just turned 18


a little bit about me: im indian i like to eat alot but i dont know how to cook....hehe....i dont have a job trying to get into collage...and stuff yk

i like listining to music on walks to avoid traffic noises outside

and im here for help u out :)

i really hope i do help u...

im not comfortable with talks about teen pregnancy/general preganancy,alcohol use,po*n addiction/s*x related issues or if ur using 7cups as a dating not ur listiner if u have any of the above issues

alright thats the end of my bio

hope u have a good day :)

like to write poetry?

Recent forum posts
im deactivating my account for a while
Journals & Diaries / by youarenotalone00
Last post
April 21st, 2022
...See more heyy, i really hope u see this.... im gonna be gone now for a while i dont know how long i dont know when ill come back, im so sorry i wont be there to support u u know ive been through so much right? i really hope u do....and i dont know? i feel like i need to self isolate for a while and i hope u understand i will be tagging u and i hope u see this if u arent the one i tagged....please please do me a fevor and copy past this message to the below member if u know them it will be a great help and i will be thankful to u from the bottom of my heart all my love, yana ❤️ @ghostyamy bye for now :)
letter to your younger self
Journals & Diaries / by youarenotalone00
Last post
January 5th, 2021
...See more hii i think all of us channge...and perhaps the only thing that is constant is change and everyone has been through so many circumstances so today i would like for all of you to write a letter to your younger self and give him/her/them advise because whatever you faced can be a survival guide for hundreds of people possiblly facing the same thing thankk you
are you okay?
Journals & Diaries / by youarenotalone00
Last post
December 31st, 2020
...See more im usually pretty good at masking myself...i do it all the time...if anyone suspects if anything is wrong with me...i shut them up with "im alright" or "im fine"...but today was really hard...i was struggling to put on a act out this perfectly happy and normal girl i call myself...its exhausting to keep up with this persona and i do not want to live in denial and knowing i wasn't an option i braced myself for another day...i could feel myself get agitated and i wanted it to stop...i could feel myself losing ....these emotions rushing to the surface prepareing myself for the worst...but then i saw someone staring...they could see right through me...they sensed something wrong with me and walked right to me and after a long pause they said "Are you okay?"...i had been asked this question before but it was something in the way in which they asked...i knew they cared in what i had to say...struggling to keep myself together i could feel my insecurities on walls were crumbling down and i felt a lump in my throught my eyes started tearing mask was my safty net it helped me get through it as the only thing i could rely on to cover up this hurt and pain and now it was gone..i coulnt find the right words to say ...i felt i told them"i couldn't tell the last time i felt okay" ...i couldnt get myself to shrug it off and couldnt lie...i couldnt force another smile...not anymore...i couldnt even come up with a silly i did hat i knew i could i broke down...i cried.
what is your role model?and why?
Newbie Hub / by youarenotalone00
Last post
December 5th, 2020
...See more who is your role model...basically who do u look up to?
last wish
Journals & Diaries / by youarenotalone00
Last post
November 24th, 2020
...See more hey you, rememeber those 2 am texts and those 2 am laughs?i do...i also remember that was the best time of my life...i was so happy..i really love you, you know...i remember that time when you called me beautiful...And honestly i havent met anyone like you, yet...and while i dont want this to be a grief should know all i ever want for you is to be happy..even if im not around...or even if im not the reason your happy but while this happens to be another goodbye letter...i want to thank changed me for the better...befor you i was a narcissistic,self centered fool...and when you came along i became something im proud of today...before you i was this person who couldnt feel anyone's pain...before you i was a psychopath...i never appreciated anyone but are the reason i started to awknawledge are the reason i am me...a person with a heart...i never knew pain...i thought of how unlucky i was to have so much pain in my life...but then isnt the world just filled with pain?but there is also beauty..and it always outways the pain you changed me for the better...cuz when i look in the mirror i donot see a self centered, backstabing wanker...instead i see a young women who radiates joy and love...while you are not here with me right now...i really wish you were...sometimes i look up at the night sky wishing im talking to you...we are seperated by a big...yet i do wish for one last last dance,one last last hug...i know im being impractical but...just this one last time i want to see you...perhaps from a distance...i want see your beautiful brown eyes...and how they sparkle when you saw the people you loved...i want to see your smile...cuz' it always lit my whole world up...even if im not the reason you smile love, me
write your poetry here!!
Newbie Hub / by youarenotalone00
Last post
September 17th, 2022
...See more hii!! so im a huge fan of poetry and reading it...i mean they are so i thought there must be many poets here...and decided to make a post about can write poetry here!!! u can also write short stories/quotes/song can write anything...and hope you do...i would love to read it
a letter to my younger self
Journals & Diaries / by youarenotalone00
Last post
September 27th, 2020
...See more hey, i know you feel like the whole world is ending and that its not fair. people are judging you constantly. they call you ugly....but i must remind you that you are beautiful you are worth it.i know people are calling you "oversensitive".i know how lonely you are;i know you are crying your self to sleep.i know the anxiety attacks, they are painful...i know how you feel that all your problems are small.i know that you made mistakes and you cant take it back now. i know how much you regret things. i know that your friends make you feel like you are not important.i know how you cry for trivial reasons and people take your tears for granted i know how your self esteem is all so low i know ...i just know. im not gonna tell you"its gonna be alright"or "you are gonna be fine" but what i will tell you is that you are a warrior and that you deserve are not a are not an are beautiful and people just dont see it...but you are born for are made to be famous...its you who matters...not the grades...not the reputation...i know and so do you that you are gonna get through this and one day you deserve to be happy...really really happy...i know you dont see it ....but you are gonna make great friends...and a great role are a warrior...and trust me there is still a lot to discover and people still love you just look for them love, your older self
Feedback & Reviews
Very kind. Responsive, neutral, caring and sympathetic. I appreciate their listening
Super sweet and adorable listener. Glad i got the opportunity to have conversation with her. It started off unexpectedly but turned out to be the best one i had so far. Felt like i was talking to someone whom i know since ages. That's how caring and friendly she is. She's easy to vibe with and calms down things with her wittiness. A complete package of a listener in true sense. She's that star in the galaxy of 7 cups that shines very bright. Thank you for everything Diya. Time spent here with you was one of my best moments. - Sanju
Good listener and gives own thoughts too
Very good at listening and was very kind
Super kind and an attentive listener
a great listener
Great listener!
You are awsome and a great listner
Pretty supportive ^^
Very kind, patient, and a great listener.
She is a great listener.
She is an amazing person I'm glad I met her
she/he is a very good person to talk to
Really kind and sweet
:) awesome, super supportive
Overall amazing and having a safe feeling when talking to them.
They were good to talk back and forth to!
I really liked how they listen and can relate to stuff
They are very kind and helpful. I can relate with them
Easy to talk to.
Theyre a good listener
She is quite understanding!
Very nice and caring about the convo
Welcomed me and was very eager to inform me about the site.
They are awesome. Right off the bat they were understanding and gave me tips on how to cope with my 24/7 anxiety
Wonderful so far.
awesome (:(:(:(:
very very very helpful helped calmed me down
she/he/they really listened
extremely helpful
It’s nice lots of good energy and vibes.
Nice and veryyyyyy helpful
I just need someone who listens not for any advice and u did ur job :)
she listened good
amazing listener
She's pretty great!
great listener
she helped me and was kind well doing it
They were good, very nice. Asked good questions.
I love her, she really understood me perfectly! Recommend her!
so helpful!! thank you
She provided me with resources!
supportive and kind. great chat!
Good listener......talks freely
very helpful and understanding
Nice, asks good questions. Very engaged in the conversation.
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