Hey, Its good to know that you have found me on 7 Cups of tea! I would love to help but before i get onto that, let me just tell you a bit about myself. I love reading, am a fan of art and love doing any type...(mainly drawing and sketching). I am a very sporty person, though when you see me around you might not believe it! I am a trained active listener and would love to support anyone with any anxieties, eating disorders, self harm, depression etc. Please make contact because believe it or not i have been through all of these very recently and have dealt with them myself as well. I would not want anyone else to go through it either, especially whilst feeling as though your alone. Your not. I am hear to help. You all should know that you all ARE BEAUTIFUL, in your own unique and amazing ways, and anyone who says otherwise can go and do something useful with their life. Talk to me and i will help. I promise. If i am online please please feel free to chat, and if i am not then leave a message and i will get back to you as soon as possible. Remember your not alone and your BEAUTIFUL! Love you guys! - Safa (15)