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5 star rating
Number of ratings76 Number of reviews26 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceApr 27, 2018 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderMale PathStep 238 People helped135 Chats270 Group support chats170 Listener group chats136 Forum posts217 Forum upvotes414
Hello there, and congratulations on taking your first step on your journey!

Currently not taking new member chats after my self-care break

I'm 20, I love being able to help people and listen to them. It has become a fantastic part of my life helping and listening to people, as well as 7Cups! I want to be able to help as many people as I can. Feel free to message me and say hi if you'd like to talk. My time zone is BST, (EDT+5hours). I am here to help you on this jouney. I am comfortable discussing any of the of topics to the right, feel free to leave me a message and we can schedule a time to chat. I am LGBTQ+ friendly.

My roles here! 
Verified Listener - I am verified by the community for having a high level in active listening.

Welcoming commity - As part of the Welcoming Commity, I send out messages to everyone who joins - it's a lovely way to say hi!

Appreciation Team - I drop little messages into your PM's to say thank you for everything you do for us at 7Cups! 

Adult-Teen Listener - I can talk to both adults and teens! How cool is that? I can speak to everyone!

Support Session Leader - This is for Self-Harm Recovery (SHR). I do weekly distraction session chats on Tuesday's! Feel free to join in!

Peer Support

Honors Intership Graduate 

Intern Mentor


Listener Twin:

@RaspberryCheesecake - I wouldn't be here if you hadn't encouraged me to continue as a listener and always being there to motivate me :)


Feedback & Reviews
Really good so far really fast responding as well
brilliant, professional and thought-provoking (in a good way) thank you
Just barely started talking and i feel safe and more relaxed about the situation.
i think they took their time asking me questions which made me think a lot about the situation i was in. they were such a kind, and understanding listener.
Very friendly and supportive :)
The BEST listener there is out there! He is so amazing and empathic. I really can't wait to talk to him even more. Thank you so much Hart for everything you have done for me today.
Helpful even when I didn't think they would be
He is wonderful and possibly the best listener I have connected to. Thank you so much!
I wasn’t connected to Hart, he connected with me and I couldn’t be happier. He is so kind and sweet and didn’t judge me one. He is one of the best listeners I have connected to. I would love to speak again!
Hart is a wonderful listener. He’s really kind and thinks about my needs and asks me lots of questions. I love his jokes and he made me smile. He is the best listener I have connected to and I would love to speak to him again. His helpfulness was really good, he made sure I was comfortable with the topic. He was really professional about my situation and didn’t judge me once. His empathy was just out of this world. The most empathic listener I’ve been connected to. He responded very fast and made me feel like he really wanted to connect with me. Thank you so much! You are a superstar!
Great listener!
awesome listener :)
Great listener :)
Luke was lovely, he really made me feel at ease and I will always treasure that x DZ
Lovely listener, helped me with everything :)
Wonderful listener! Best one I’ve had. Very good overall x
really nice
Very patient n persistent
Great listener, asked lots of questions and made me feel at ease. Thank you so much WonderfulHeart1330 :)
They were very lovely
I really appreciate the fact that I wasn’t judged and was asked many questions about my situation to make a better informed decision. Thank you!
She’s been so nice so far she’s a great person to talk to
Badges & Awards
98 total badges
Listening Ear Magnet Sage Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Ellen Jump Start Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Listener Oath Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Aristotle Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Graduate Master Scholar Love Bug Refresher iListen Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Voice Talker Ray of Hope Self-Love College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Listening Ace Active Listening Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia Bat Signal People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck 7Cups Guide Rocket Listener 12 Steps Community 101 TS Key 7 Cups Intern Grad Twinning Pro Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Mod On Mod Siren Steadfast Soul I Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Self-Harm Support Team Weight Management Diabetes CBT Summer Events 5th Birthday Party Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Eating Disorder Support