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PathStep 71 Compassion hearts762 Forum posts12 Forum upvotes11 Current upvotes11 Age GroupAdult Last activeOctober, 2018 Member sinceOctober 4, 2016
my entire life is so wonderful that I have to make my problems
I believe all religions are meaningful metaphorically, regardless of their literal validity.

"non-binary, more masc | ace/demisexual | panromantic" I will explain/debunk my past identity.
I have awkward body image insecurities and am questioning myself. This may reflect something more about who I want to be or emphasize my obvious phases.
I do not know how to connect with people or understand what kind of friendships I have.

"Shwell" came because I wanted "shell" in my user, but I also wanted to include "Willing" somehow (willingCamp9303 was my first guest; also "willing" could represent being willing to change). That was my makeshift mashup. It sort of contains: shell, well, sell, swell, 'ell

Music taste: most rock/alternative with bunch of classical crossover + some country/pop, open to more
Hobbies: consuming and making creative media

"Since we give impression that we are satisfied with our way of life, whether real or fake, we will act like we are too strong to have problems and too fragile to handle problems, even though we know we are too different from our public image we cannot dare to reveal our true selves."
"It is simplest for me to do things when I am not meant to or obligated to do them, but as soon as I should, I will not."
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