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PathStep 23 Compassion hearts756 Forum posts14 Forum upvotes11 Current upvotes11 Age GroupAdult Last activeJanuary, 2018 Member sinceMarch 3, 2016
What do I like to do for fun? Therein lies part of my problem, I'm no longer sure I know what I like to do for fun. I'm a bit of a lost soul and am beginning to think I may not have a place in this world. I would like to re-learn how to make friends and overcome the loneliness I feel.

"Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed" -Barbara Lowe
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tryingnottobeahermit profile picture
"Friendship" is over and I need answers.
Relationship Stress / by tryingnottobeahermit
Last post
March 14th, 2016
...See more This friendship I thought I had with a girl is essentially over. It pretty much suddenly ended when she started seeing someone and pushed me away. I tried over the past 3 weeks to see if we could make it work. I want to know exactly what happened and how I can avoid something like this happening again. She had been closed off about talking face-to-face about things when I was trying to keep the friendship. I need to do this to move on and I'm tempted to just show up at her place to force the issue. (no intention of doing anything violent) I do have a dart board at her place that I want back. Should I insist she let me talk about it? What if she refuses?
tryingnottobeahermit profile picture
Whatever I do, this friendship may be over. (or never was to begin with).
Relationship Stress / by tryingnottobeahermit
Last post
March 13th, 2016
...See more A friend I was hanging out with during the winter started to see someone a few weeks ago. Instead of telling me that she was into this guy she runs with, she started to push me away. When she finally told me she was seeing someone, my anxiety about being abandoned caused a bad reaction to the news. A few days later (after another rough conversation) she texted me that we needed to "give it some time". After texting back that I could give her some time, her texted response was "OK, cool. Well then try again in the future.". It seemed like a really FINAL statement to me. I realized later that my hurt was based on a unhealthy attachement to her that did not match the 2 1/2 months we had been friends. Texted her back with this epiphany and she was really receptive to the idea of still being friends. I wanted to talk about everything, but she was not receptive to talk about "my issues". So, I asked her to give me a few days to get my feelings under control and work on a postive attidude. When I was ready a few days ago, I texted her that I was OK and would be up for doing something this week (like we used to). More than 24 hours later she still has not responded (I texted her yesterday to make sure she had received it, which she said she did). It never used to take her more than a couple of hours to at least respond that she wanted to hang out as well. I sent a follow up text yesterday afternoon, but still no response. I don't know where I stand now. Two supsicions seem to be likely; 1. She doesn't really want to continue our friendship, but is afraid to tell me. 2. She left her boyfriend alone with her phone and he intercepted and deleted my messages. Unfortunantly, communication at this point is one sided, not that it really matters. I really want to talk to her face-to-face, but, it appears, the only way to get her to talk is to just show up at her door. No matter what I say, in some way, I will be the loser in this situation. It really doesn't sit well with me that an existing friend can be tossed away for no real reason.
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