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18 years old

College student

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The last 6 months
Self-Esteem / by sweetpeach024
Last post
February 29th, 2024
...See more These last 6 months I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned:  1. No matter what is going on in my life my family will always be there for me  2. its ok, not feel ok sometimes you just need a day  3. Moving on from my ex is the best thing i have ever done  4. I have found my aesthetic and have learned i need to embrace it   5. I just need to live life in the now, not the past and not the future....the here and now  6 months you can learn alot about yourself and I never thought it until it happened to me. I feel so much happier now that I have taken time to learn about myself, work on my mental health, and over all just be more free! I want to thank everyone on 7 cups for what they have done to help me and I will forever be grateful for the family and friends i have created on here! I will continue to on here until the end of may but at the end of may I am going to move on a become and adult but I will forever have 7 cups to come back to! Love you all <3 
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im rlly struggling
Relationship Stress / by sweetpeach024
Last post
September 9th, 2023
...See more so at the beginning of 2nd semester of last school year I met this guy and we hit it off really parents met him and was not very found of him and told me to just keep him as a friend beacuse we were moving to a new state and beacuse they were not very found of i texted the guy and told him and he said some things that made my parents even more not to like him but me and the guy just agreed to keep doing what we were doing but no more than we did for about a week and things changed we started to become more than just friends and i kept it a secret from my parents and then at the end of the summer they kinda found out about what was going on and blocked him on everything on my phone but me and him found ways to still talk to each other and keep this secret reltionship all summer...we would sneck around and see each other....he would sneck into my grandparents house at night (because that was were i was living until my house was ready in my new state) and then the day before my birthday...on august 9th my parents found out about everything....literally has put a wrench in my family and now i have no communication with him at all and me and my family are in a really bad spot becuase of my actions and his mom does not want to spend time with me, she does not want to just have ourt little talks that we used to because i have berayed dad is trying to help the situation but he is at a loss of what to do as mom has always helped me with my college tours and getting me ready to go to college (i am a senior) but she wants nothing to do with it anymore and is just letting me do it all.....i am not ready for all of that.....i just am at a loss of what to do......i know it will take a long long time for my parents to ever trust me again and ever move on from what happened...i knew they will forgive me but they will never forget what has happened...i just need help trying to find my feet with all of this....i am really really struggling
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