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2,128 M Hopeful Heart 3
PathStep 15 Compassion hearts169 Forum posts21 Forum upvotes17 Current upvotes17 Age GroupTeen Last activeDecember, 2022 Member sinceJuly 16, 2022



Put this on your profile if:

You are that person who always helped, but never asked for help 

You are that person who can't sleep knowing it is 'fine'

You are that person who fake smiles to hide your true emotions

You are that person who wants to scream and shout but can't

You are that person who has the words to change a nation, but can't seem to speak

You are that person who is a pessimistic about themselves

You are that person who needs help, but never gets it


🦋 hot summer nights mid july 🦋

Recent forum posts
Depression Support / by summerfleur
Last post
December 11th, 2022
...See more ️TW: sh and death ️ Recently I found out that I need to get braces. And since then I've been feeling awful. I've been struggling with undiagnosed depression for a while, and right now I was feeling happy with my life. After I found out, I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried. It was the closest I've ever come to having a panic attack. I know getting braces isn't a bad thing but I don't know why I'm not the same since I've found out. I don't think this is the root of my problems, though. I was shocked when I started crying uncontrollably because for a long long time I've not really cried. It sounds really weird to say so please don't judge but I feel like I found a way to suppress my emotions, and it worked for a while until now. I was able to act happy even if I was angry or upset and no one would know. It's strange that this news rocked me so much because I used to be a very calm and controlled person, but now I feel like I'm losing my grip on things. For so long I've forced myself to be happy but now my paranoia and depression has returned as well as wanting to sh. I have violent thoughts and I want to end things sometimes, but my parents don't know any of this. I can't tell them but I don't know how else to share my feelings. That's it I guess thanks for reading such a long post :)
Newbie Hub / by summerfleur
Last post
August 22nd, 2022
...See more i think I updated the app and now Idk how to save changes to my bio. I can edit the text but there’s no save button only the back button and if I press it makes me either continue editing or discard changes. Lol tips and advice appreciated
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