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252 M Embraced 2
PathStep 2 Compassion hearts14 Forum posts5 Forum upvotes13 Current upvotes13 Age GroupAdult Last activeFebruary, 2021 Member sinceFebruary 8, 2021
Recent forum posts
Addiction Support / by padrefanatic
Last post
February 23rd, 2021
...See more Last week was a good week for me. I abstained from watching porn and masturbating and I felt really proud of myself. Until monday.... I gave in Monday and I masturbated. I told myself okay you're fine, just keep going and don't do it the rest of the week. .... Lies I watched porn yesterday and today as well and I've done absolutely nothing for myself to feel proud of. I hate this I hate myself. Why can't I stop? This is weighing me down and I can't stop. My confidence is nowhere to be found as well as my peace all I feel is failure. I've failed at life for so long and its because of this addiction. What do I do? Who do I turn to? How can I change? I've had enough of this.. im at the end of the line.
Porn and masturbation
Addiction Support / by padrefanatic
Last post
February 18th, 2021
...See more Hey guys, so I decided to join this community because I have suffered from porn addiction for so long that I did not know where to turn to. Its an addiction that's very shameful and have never felt comfortable sharing this with anyone because of fear of what they would say and think. For so long I have kept this to myself and have suffered from low self esteem and self confidence, it has held me back from fully enjoying my life for so long. I'm hoping just talking about this and connecting with others in the same position can help me. So here I am.
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