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I have now found the law of the oak leaves. - Dan Beachy-Quick

As for me, all I have is oak. All the humans of whom my life entwined and entangled died, and I was released. I had to find my hinge, which when I found it realized it was a henge. Similar but quite distinct, I realized that I wanted more than a hinge to swing my strong oak door open and closed, I truly was after an enclosure, a safe place and that is the henge, the stones that rest on top of a structure or the ditch that encircles it. Henge allows a safe container that does not suffocate but that grounds when needed. A doorway that I could hold on to, that wouldn't leave me, and of which I was more a part of than a keeper of.

I just learned from an exercise here (and these exercises are really well done) that I have relational anxiety attachments. And that is true before considering the fact that I lost all but my offspring relationships five years ago. Heck yeah, I'm anxious, relationaly especially.

Plus, I still hurt. I'm still alone. I don't know how to reconnect to real flesh and blood. But I'm an artist, a literary one. I need to find the way to intregrate all the disparate parts of my life. I think a lyrical prose book may hold the answer.

"That which is creative must create itself,” says John Keats.
Why do I read that as “That which is creative must excrete itself”? echo from my puritan upbringing.

I don't know. I don't know anything except the maples outside my window, the blue spruce along the side, the mountains towering in the west, and the oak. And then, I'm not scared. I cannot get lost if I run to the oak. The trees breathe too. I can live with them. I'm at home with them.

Recent forum posts
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How to connect, get past chit-chat
Anxiety Support / by oakhenge
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February 28th, 2018
...See more I work full-time and volunteer for a social justice group. Beyond that, I want to find a church congregation I can fit in with but I get impatient with small talk, chit-chat. Anyone have strategies that have worked for you to get beyond the shallows with a new group who you connect with on an intellectual level and want to get to like personally?
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7 cups technical support
Anxiety Support / by oakhenge
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February 7th, 2018
...See more grrrr - this issue doesn't help with my anxiety. Maybe someone can help and there is no link that I can find for 7cup technical support. Routinely on my growth path it says something like post on a subcommittee. I post and post and post and still the thing doesn't go away. What exactly am I supposed to do? Now, of course, I have "created a new thread" and watch, soon as I do that the "post on a subcommittee" will fulfill. We'll see. But if anyone can help with this I'd be forever grateful and if 7 cups could clarify in that particular growth activity where exactly we're supposed to post, that would be even better!
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Caffeine and Anxiety
Anxiety Support / by oakhenge
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January 23rd, 2018
...See more After a week of recovery from sinus infection and a huge panic attack, I woke up this morning at 6a.m. rested and feeling normal. Better than I have in over a week! I was so thankful. Enjoyed a game with friends along with my regular morning 2 cups of coffee. I love my coffee. At 9am I was feeling unable to breath normal. . .again. What the heck??? Was I really having heart failure? I checked symptoms and no, mine didn't click for that. I checked symptom for panic attack and bingo - they all checked. Then I noticed that caffeine can be a major contributor. I'm going to cut back to a cup tomorrow. If that doesn't work then I'll switch to black tea. If that is still too much I'll go over to green tea. Meantime, wondering, have any of you noticed caffeine as a trigger to your anxiety? If so, how did you discover it and were you able to modify it and see improvements in lessening attacks?
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Action Creates Confidence
Anxiety Support / by oakhenge
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December 11th, 2018
...See more On January 10 I attended a day-long workshop for brave women, smart women who have consolidated research and presented us with the facts so that we can make informed decisions about how we are going to approach our myraid of daily choices and our very lives. One section was entitled the "Confidence Code / Myth". I think there may be a book by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. Any way, what we were presented with is how we feel about confidence and what is true about confidence. This information helped me this week, Jan 14, when I imploded by the end of the week into a full blown panic attack but yet never let go of my good habits or hope. So, in my experience this week, what I learned Jan 10 on this was powerful. Here it is. We feel like - women mostly feel this way all the time - we need confidence before we can take an action (ask for a raise, a donation, a night off, etc.). What the evidence shows though is that action breeds confidence. If we are overweight, we are afraid for a host of reasons. But if we act, if we lose 10 pounds we feel more confident. Then we get afraid again because we have more than 10 pounds to lose. Still, we act again, and shed another 10 pounds, now we are 20 pounds down. We are even more confident now. Then, fear knocks on our door again. We hear it but we act again and, bam, another 10 pounds is off. And so the spiral goes. Fear will always come knocking but confidence will never manifest until we take the first small action toward what we truly want. BUMPER STICKER: Action Creates Confidence This week, I had a couple of health and creative issues that triggered a major panic attack - haven't had one of those for a little over two years. And, maybe my inner work cleaning out some mental cobwebs also contributed to the attack. Still, even while it was happening and no amount of continued affirmations or mindfulness or breathing was going to stop it, I sorta just took my "as needed" pills and rode the wave. I questioned, I observed, I felt stupid but I didn't judge and, most importantly I think, I kept acting in my highest self's best interest - I kept going to the gym for my energetic workouts, I kept eating nutritarian, I kept my mind focused and so did not succumb to sadness or depression. I am thankful for the confidence code! I'm sure I won't always act first but I did this week when it counted. I hope this code helps others too. Warm blessings!
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