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New to self care
Relationship Stress / by niceField4094
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June 1st, 2023
...See more Hey all I am a people pleaser to the extreme!! I put others before me at all costs and I’ve realized I’m going to run myself Tagus if I don’t take care of me. Any ideas about how to stay strong in self care? Maybe some starting points? Thank you!
niceField4094 profile picture
How do I approach selfish tendencies?
Relationship Stress / by niceField4094
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June 1st, 2023
...See more Hey all. I’m struggling with my man being very selfish. He doesn’t understand how it’s selfish though. He just thinks it’s ok to do what he wants without regard to how others take it. Or if he does think about it, he decides that what he wants to do/say is more important. Not sure how to approach talking about being more empathetic.
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First check in.
Relationship Stress / by niceField4094
Last post
October 3rd, 2022
...See more Hello all. I don’t really know if this is the right way to do this but here goes. I am really struggling with my marriage right now. I love my husband for his positivity, his incredible intelligence, and many other things. Here’s what I’m struggling with though… he has tunnel vision when it comes to life. He only thinks about him and how things affect him. His positivity has turned into hatred and “venting” very passionately and rudely about people who do things or don’t that he doesn’t agree with. He expects everyone to help him but he doesn’t really return the favor. He just thinks about how tired he is and tells people no. He declines social events often ( even birthday parties and holidays). A lot of people have reached the end of their ropes with him and I of course don’t want that for him. I don’t know what to do because I kinda am getting to feel the same way. Ive tried several different approaches to get him to see and make a change I’ve even tried just making a change for me to try to be more understanding. I just feel like this side of him is not who I loved and married. I mean of course I married his whole self, I’m just not really sure what else to try to get him to make some positive changes. I don’t know what to do any more. Anyway thanks for reading.
niceField4094 profile picture
I feel so helpless and guilty for it
Anxiety Support / by niceField4094
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November 5th, 2021
...See more I don’t know if this is how this works, so forgive me if this is out of line in any way……………. I was in a minor fender bender about a month ago. I have been undergoing treatment for whiplash and a (slightly) herniated disc. My pain has gone down significantly. Recently I had a weird experience where my leg “disappeared” and I fell hard. It was like my brain forgot I had a leg or something. Anyway, that made my pain go way up again. I’ve felt extremely useless. I can only do things that don’t require me to bend pretty much at all at the hips. This means that my significant other is having to take over all of the things I can’t do. I feel awful. I hate that I’m in pain, but I hate feeling useless more. I can feel my self esteem( which I already struggle with) just plummeting and my anxiety skyrocketing because I feel like I should do more even though i know in my logical brain I probably shouldn’t. My anxiety makes me tense up which makes the pain worse. I’m just feeling a bit stuck. Anybody with advice/support/can relate would be greatly appreciated! Anyway, that’s my rant for the day. Thank you for taking the time to read this! God bless!
niceField4094 profile picture
Social anxiety?
Relationship Stress / by niceField4094
Last post
October 31st, 2021
...See more I’m really a bit stumped with this issue I have. I am totally free to be myself and feel confident at work, in new situations,anything really except when someone I love is Involved or even present. I can be confident and loving person to people at work. They describe me as outgoing, inviting, loving, etc. but then I go home or hang out with friends and I’m a total timid mouse. I’m paralyzed by my anxiety that I might disappoint or be looked at as not being responsible or that I’ll do something wrong or something. I’m not really even sure.. I can’t hardly even get up and use the bathroom if I need to. I’m darn near in my 30’s and I feel like I've gone backwards emotionally amd socially with my close relations. I was Wondering if maybe others have experienced something similar? I thought social anxiety might describe it, but It just seems so backward to me. thank you!
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