Hi. Glad you found me. Life is hard and the only way we are going to get trough is is together. I would honestly love to talk to you because talking to people makes me happy. Life is hard, I know that very well. If there is a way to let my pain and experiences and knowledge gained from those things be of any benefit to this world, i would love that. Life is hard, but it is also very beautiful and worth it. Lets do it toghether.
Also, I love reading, watching movies, chatting with my friends, nature, chocolate, giving hope to people, traveling, learning new stuff, fruit and sleeping. I do not like negativity, people who talk down to other people, war, disease and all that ugly stuff. I am optimistic, persistant, smart and funny. I'm also scared of life sometimes, do not know how to properly take care of myself, stubborn and I am way too hard on myself.