Hi there :) I'm basically your average emotional wreck. Due to recent abrupt change in my circumstance, I have been going through a really tough bout of depression. I also suffer from anxiety, particularly fears that no one will ever love me or appreciate me, and that no matter what, whatever I do is never enough (... how many of you started singing? Or am I the only one who absolutely loves that movie??). I'm constantly self-doubting, and I feel constant guilt over every tiny mistake I've ever made. I constantly feel like even though I can paste on a smile, there is someone screaming in my brain in anguish, confusion and nervousness.
Besides all that, I am an INFP, I like jazz and blues. I play piano and am learning the harp. When I get low, one of the things that helps me is dancing. I LOVE dancing (as long as nobody is watching). So I close my door, put on my headphones and dance to every song on The Greatest Showman soundtrack (funnest song to dance to is Come Alive), or maybe Twenty One Pilots or Johnny Clegg. I also love theatre and plays. I have read Much Ado About Nothing over a dozen times, and memorized all of Beatrice's lines just for fun. If anyone like watching plays (or just loves David Tennant and Catherine Tate), I seriously recommend looking up much ado about nothing 2011 on YouTube. You will not regret it. I've watched it a million times and it still makes me laugh.