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951 M Little Steps 1
PathStep 149 Compassion hearts26 Forum posts51 Forum upvotes39 Current upvotes39 Age GroupAdult Last activeApril, 2022 Member sinceJuly 30, 2017

I am a mother of 4 adult daughters and my baby boy cat. I also have my daughter's dwarf rabbit. I work as an agent at a call center. I am interested in psychology, photography, web design, graphic design, abstract art, alternative rock music, classical music, self-help, therapy, Titanic, cats, animals, writing poetry, etc. I suffer from 4 personality disorders, bipolar 1, PTSD, social anxiety disorder, paranoia, agoraphobia... I'm on medication but still have dark days and some crazy days. There are just days when I need some extra mental help. Trying to do the right things and live the way I should be living. Trying to have a better life than I did in the past. Trying to move ahead and move on from the darkness of my past. I'm also a recovering alcoholic and I have a severely alcoholic boyfriend. He has alcohol induced psychosis and that helps me to stay sober...seeing him in that condition. I've taken care of people all of my life and I'm still taking care of people...him. I love animals more than anything on earth. People...not so much. Just being honest. I have a misanthropy attitude/mindset. I just do not connect with people like normal people do and I have psychotic episodes and wonder at times if I am a psychopath with sociopathic traits.

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Starting new assignment at work tomorrow
Journals & Diaries / by jestersnow72
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May 2nd, 2022
...See more I'm getting ready to start a new work assignment tomorrow. I'll be in training for a very long 7 weeks. I've been very stressed and anxious at work and my ability to do my job has been lacking. My mind goes blank, I'm always in a brain fog, I'm always stressed, anxious, fatigued, exhausted, and certain things about it are very embarassing at times. I got my drug test yesterday. We have to get one for each assignment. I'm not worried about that at all. I'm a recovering chronic alcoholic and have been sober a very long time. I don't do drugs. The only thing that might show up is the medications I'm prescribed by my psychiatrist or my regular doctor. I am nervous about this training and if I'll be able to do a good job once training is over. I'm 48 (almost 49) and really struggle lately with this brain fog business. It does awful things to my body as well. The stress and anxiety get so bad that I wind up becoming very ill. I also have to consider my disability benefits because I don't want to lose that. I cannot live on disability alone, though. It just does not pay me enough to live on. I have to try my best at this job but it's very difficult for me with my mind and health the way it is. I'm concerned about things like dementia. Something to think about. Where is all this brain fog coming from? I'm going through menopause and I heard that sometimes happens with that. The hot flashes are awful and really wear me down. Anyway, those are my thoughts for today. Hoping this job will work out good for me. The other assignments I've had have not been that great. Hope everyone is doing well.
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Anji's 7-Cups Journal
Journals & Diaries / by jestersnow72
Last post
June 17th, 2021
...See more I am finally off work today. It has been so stressful at work lately. I've had serious issues with my supervisor. I am relieved to be off work. Finally got my ADA accommodations for part-time work approved. I've been working full-time and I never intended to. I was hired for part-time and then they tell me that they only hire for full-time. Obviously that is a lie. This company is the most disorganized place I've ever seen and the communication in that place is seriously lacking. They pay is great and I get to work from home but dealing with some of these people and the issues they create is enough to drive me mad. I am on disability so I cannot wait till they finally cut my hours down to where I want them.
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New here and just saying hello
Disability Support / by jestersnow72
Last post
May 22nd, 2021
...See more Just wanted to say hello.
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