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PathStep 34 Compassion hearts930 Forum posts198 Forum upvotes336 Current upvotes336 Age GroupTeen Last activeMarch, 2024 Member sinceSeptember 15, 2022

Just using this as a way to honor my sister jeanine (6.2.2009/16.03.2023)

Recent forum posts
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It just doesnt feel the same anymore...and i know it isnt just me
Depression Support / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
March 14th
...See more This place just doesnt feel the same....only this week ive went through MANY listeners and many left me on the half of the convo...ive been having bad thoughts this month and i asked x help here and at my enviroment...but it seems like nobody cares anymore..and i really feel like a burden My family would say that the person that i hate the most its my dad...but it isnt true...i need to look at the mirror to know the right answer But today i had my nieces coming at my house and that made me think....they can be my reason to live...i can live for them by now till my family starts taking my messed up mental health seriously...but rn here at 7cups i would really have more company at the sahara
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Phrases and poems
Poetry / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
January 30th
...See more Here ill post the things that normally are in my mind...romantic phrases or not
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Tips to dont fall again on alcohol
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
October 31st, 2023
...See more Hi, I'm 15 years old, I used to drink alcohol as a way to cope with all the overwhelming emotions, expectations and problems in my life, and as a way to process the grief of too many things....I'm 8 months sober...but this week it's driving me really crazy and I had a few drinking you have any tips to avoid the bottles again???....I would thank yall so much Kisses and hugs 🫂 🤗 😘 
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Just general drawings
Arts & Crafts / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
February 9th
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My adhd drawings
ADHD Support / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
September 22nd, 2023
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I'm really trying, and im doing it
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by iwantacoffee2009
Last post
July 28th, 2023
...See more I entered this group cause I realized that if I don't take care of myself I'm gonna be an alcoholic teenager...I'm really trying to do this...but I kinda need some advice...
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