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In Need of Help
General Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
January 23rd, 2023
...See more Hello everybody! I am not sure how to start. I have this one person in my life who I essentially think of as family. We were talking about our schedules, and during the conversation, he mentioned that he feels stuck because he likes spending time with me, but some of his friends feel uncomfortable around me, which doesn't help him (or me, for that matter), so he said he can't spend a ton of time with me. I am glad he was honest with me and am *** that whoever made the comments didn't tell me sooner. It's stuff I need to work on, sure, but how would I know I was making his friends uncomfortable if I don't know what I was doing? (Before you ask: no, idk who in particular said the comments) What do I do? -East
How to so Two Things at Once
General Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
January 15th, 2023
...See more Is there a way to maintain my individuality while being really close with another human being? When I feel alone, I focus more and rely on myself; when I feel connected to another person, I tend to focus more on them and put myself on the backbones. -East
General Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
January 10th, 2023
...See more Hi everyone, I got a week to get my self-esteem together. I realized recently that I really need help with my self-esteem. I am hoping I am not blowing something because of my brain not accepting that someone actually cares about me. I think of this person as part of my family, and it hurts me that my brain is causing so many issues. I am doing everything I can: watching comedy, reading, practicing my trumpet, singing karaoke, self-reflection, journaling, and taking walks when I can. What do I do? -East
Resolving Mental Health Issues
General Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
December 30th, 2022
...See more Hey everyone! As some of you know, I am working on losing my fear of abandonment. Since I have made decent progress, I hit a roadblock that I have to go over in order to continue with my fear of abandonment; it's called low self-esteem. I must have made decent progress so far because I think I uncovered the other part of my fear of abandonment called mild separation anxiety, and I believe the two go hand-in-hand (like, they trigger each other). I am unsure of how to address both of these issues so I can continue working on getting rid of my fear of abandonment. I am learning about this thing called "interdependence," which I guess is keeping your own person while being closely connected to someone else; see, when I care about someone, I will happily give up anything in order to see the other person happy (or successful, or whatever). um....I guess this is unhealthy, so I am stuck. Anyone got any tips? Thanks in advance! -East
Need Advice on What to Do
General Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
November 26th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone! I'm East, and I am going through a pretty emotionally hard time right now. I have many issues, the most prominent right now being fear of abandonment. Due to working on myself (or trying to, at least), I feel that my parents (especially my mom) love me conditionally. I feel that my efforts to get better are not aknowledged, and I feel afraid to tell my mom things; while she is happy to listen, sometimes I fear that she will throw them in my face during an argument. I don't want to be loved only when things are okay; it's one of the reasons why I fear conflict. I do have someone in my life that has proven that they love me unconditionally. They've seen me at my worst and know everything that they would need to know about me; they think still being by my side is no big deal, but it speaks volumes to me. I think of them as a safe space; as family. I don't want my insecurities and my bad past experiences to affect my relationship with this person more than they already have. They know I'm trying to work on myself, and aknowledge it, and I feel secure with this; I just don't want to ruin it. How do I not let past experiences and outside struggles affect this? If you've made it this far, you're quite amazing!! 😀 Thanks, East
IntuitiveEast Introduction
Depression Support / by intuitiveEast6300
Last post
August 14th, 2022
...See more Hello Everyone! My username is IntuitiveEast; people on here typically refer to me as East. I am here because I get down on myself a lot and have a lot of mental issues and trauma. It has gotten to the point where I don't want to open myself up to people in person at all anymore, and I can barely want to open myself up online. If you would like to know how bad it has gotten, I had a friend at school last year who I grew to trust just for me to be wondering if he's even my friend anymore. I tend to get very attached to people who actually care about me, and this makes them run away. Essentially, my life is usually the "I meet someone, we talk, I get attached, they leave" meme. I'm on here because I just don't know what to do anymore. I have experienced too much, and all I do is push people away, leading to me constantly feeling like a burden on everyone. Thanks for reading, East
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