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I was rejected as a romantic partner...aka "friendzoned"
Relationship Stress / by hypnosis
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February 10th, 2018
...See more A close friend rejected me as a romantic partner. I had the guts to admit my feelings but he doesn't want a relationship with me or just about anyone right now. I handled it well and with confidence, but deep down I am saddened and upset. I wanted to be good enough. I wanted to be "the one". A few days before he rejected me, I complimented his looks and his response was "well it's getting late." Yeah. Ouch. Then a few days later he puts up handsome photos of himself. I guess I boosted his confidence, but he is probably putting up pictures to attract other women. I doubt it's too attract me since he just rejected me. It's really annoying and it almost feels like he's mocking me. I just want to get over him now. I don't want to care or feel anything towards him. I've been avoiding him. I don't think we can be friends anymore because the thought of him being with and flirting with other women bothers me, so I have distanced myself.
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I hate him.
Relationship Stress / by hypnosis
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September 7th, 2017
...See more Yeah I know the deal, I know what I want and don't want in a relationship. I know that I should not chase after someone who clearly has very little respect for me and my feelings, etc etc. I don't think I've ever hated someone so much before I knew him. I still wish I never knew him and I wish bad things to happen to him. Can't help it, I still hurt. I don't really care what anyone thinks and I am aware it's not right to wish bad things to happen to people. I don't want to get into what he did to me, but if I explained maybe some of you would understand my anger.  Yes I am doing things I enjoy, still making art, about to graduate, etc. But the memories haunt me even when I'm doing things I love
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Experience Project
Newbie Hub / by hypnosis
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March 9th, 2015
...See more Someone posted about this site on I'm very grateful I started using this site so I don't have to bug people I know about my problems too much. It's one thing to vent or ask friends and family for advice once in a while, but eventually they have a point where they can't really listen anymore. Either that or they start to pull away so I'd rather just save it for here. If it's family they're just gonna get nosey and anxious. Sometimes I just need to complain about something and have someone listen to me. I already know what to do, I just want to complain about it.  
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