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unsure what to do
Relationship Stress / by eumesmo
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October 11th, 2022
...See more I feel like my relationship with my girlfriend is toxic. She doesn’t talk to me very much and I just feel kind of fed up. We live together and I feel like our relationship is going nowhere. I am drifting away from my family and I feel like we are stuck in this relationship where we have all of this repressed anger and frustration and I have no idea how to deal with it. Also our sex life is completely dead. I love her and care about her a lot but I am kind of tired of what it feels like to be in a relationship together. I am feeling pretty pessimistic about whether we can have a healthy and successful relationship. I don’t want to break up but I feel at a loss about how we can somehow heal our relationship. I am feeling really sad and frustrated and pessimistic.
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cold war
Relationship Stress / by eumesmo
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September 5th, 2022
...See more My girlfriend and I are fighting and I don’t know how to talk to her. I feel like I’m in a “freeze” response because anything I say will be used against me and she seems to be on the verge of breaking up with me. I don’t know what to do.
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So damn stressed. Can’t stand this job
Work & Career / by eumesmo
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September 5th, 2022
...See more Good lord, I am so stressed out. This job is making me feel like I’m going crazy. Half of the days I want to pull my hair out and the other days I just want to cry. I feel so incompetent. It is messing with my mind. Some days I feel great and like I am on top of everything and other days I feel like a complete failure. I just find this job so incredibly stressful. I feel really sad. I have thought about other jobs that I could do but I don’t know what I would do. I just find this job so incredibly stressful. I’m honestly just feeling really sad and overwhelmed right now and wish I didn’t have to work. That is what I want. Phew. I am really really stressed out. I don’t have any solutions right now but just feel extremely stressed.
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Anxious… as usual 🙂
Anxiety Support / by eumesmo
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August 29th, 2022
...See more Just feeling some anxiety as I get ready to go to sleep. I don’t want to work tomorrow. I wish I never had to work again but I know that’s not an option. If it were up to me I would like to just be able to chill and relax and have fun and not worry about money. I just don’t like working and I don’t like worrying about money. I’m anxious, like I usually am especially on Sundays. I will get through it but I just don’t like feeling anxious. I can usually feel it in my body really strongly. Right now I feel it in my stomach. Anxiety kind of dominates my life. I guess it makes sense to be anxious with so many things going on in the world but I just wish I had less anxiety in general. I feel like my anxiety can probably teach me some things and help me in some ways but sometimes it’s just so stressful and overwhelming and I just want to curl up under the covers and not do anything. That’s how I feel right now, I would like to just sleep and not do anything. I really wish I could just *not* work but again, I know I’m going to have to work for probably the rest of my life. Ugh. Wish I didn’t have to. I want to just hang out with my girlfriend. Anxiety is so annoying to me. I’ll survive but I just wanted to share. I just hate feeling anxious.
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bi, feel scared to tell people
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by eumesmo
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August 29th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone 👋🏼 So pretty much I’m bi but scared to tell almost anyone. I’m a cis guy and I have a girlfriend and she knows and is supportive. In fact, she is bi herself and has had women partners before. However, I am terrified to tell almost anyone about the fact that I am bi. I have told my mom in the past and she completely rejected it and told me that being bi didn’t exist. In short, she was not okay with it as all. I think she has said that she used to have sexual feelings towards women, so maybe she is just repressing her own sexual complexity and finds it threatening when I say that I am bi. I think how negatively my parents have responded to me saying that I’m bi is a big reason why I am terrified to be more open about it. I have a large Latine/x family and I know that most of them are very homophobic. Especially on my mom’s side. They are very politically and socially conservative and I know that they would totally reject me if I said that I was bi. But at the same time, part of me wants to just be open about it. I have a good-paying job. I live on my own and have a loving girlfriend and I’m honestly just seek of keeping my sexuality to myself and feeling like I have to be so private about it. I do all that I can to be an ally to LGBTQ+ people and support gay rights but I also am terrified to come out as a bi person and be more open with those in my life about the fact that I am bi. I have a girlfriend and I love her and I don’t want to break up with her but I still want to be more open about my sexuality and I want to be openly bi, mostly for the sake of honesty and authenticity. I think what is most stressful for me is the fact that my parents are so conservative and have rejected me so forcefully when I have told them that I am bi (this was years ago that I last told them, maybe like 10 years ago). I also want to talk to my therapist about my sexuality but I worry that even he would judge and reject me because he seems like a very “guy’s”-guy and he doesn’t list LGBTQ issues as his expertise anywhere on his website profiles. I think there are a few family members who are much more progressive than others and who would be much more supportive of me if I were to come out to them. For example, I think my sister and my cousins would both be really supportive of me. I think several of my cousins would be supportive of me, in fact. I worry about them telling my mom or dad but I have no idea why they would tell my mom or dad. I don’t think they would actually tell them. But the idea of telling my sister or cousin about the fact that I am bi really appeals to me. A lot. I am still scared of doing it, though. I just want to be more open about it. I really want to tell more people about the fact that I am bi, and I want to explore my sexuality more. I know almost nothing about gender or sexuality and I want to understand it better. I want to read more about it. I just know very little about either topic. I feel like sex is something that I really really care about but which I know very very little about. I want to open up about this and be more honest with others, but I think 7 Cups is probably a good place to start. This seems to be a great place to talk more about this and I intend to keep opening up. Thank you very much for reading.
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Relationship feels sexually dead
Relationship Stress / by eumesmo
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October 8th, 2022
...See more I don’t know what to do. I feel like I can’t talk to my girlfriend about sex because she is never in the mood to even talk about it. I feel incredibly lost. I feel like my relationship might be salvageable but I don’t know what to do. I just feel really sad and lost and also sexually frustrated. I hope I can find a way to reconnect with her and kindle more intimacy in our relationship because I can’t live like this forever 😕
eumesmo profile picture
Anxious as heck
Anxiety Support / by eumesmo
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August 27th, 2022
...See more Hey all, just wanted to share that I am feeling a *lot* of anxiety. I am kind of nauseous from how anxious I am. My job is stressing me so much. I feel like I want to sleep but I don’t know if I can. I just feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. Phew. I think I need to just sit and breathe. Today has been a lot. My job is way too stressful, there is too much to do. I like my coworkers but the workload at this job is insane. It is absolutely ridiculous. I want to yell. I think maybe I should just sit with these emotions and let myself feel them. I just feel so anxious and overwhelmed right now. Dang, I don’t even know what I want right now. But I am just so stressed out and anxious. I also didn’t sleep very well yesterday, which sucks. I think maybe I just need to breathe.
eumesmo profile picture
Just…. stressed.
Family & Caregivers / by eumesmo
Last post
August 26th, 2022
...See more I’m just feeling really stressed in relation to my family. I don’t like them and don’t get along with them. My mom and dad and sister live about ten minutes away from me and i wish I had a good relationship with them but I just don’t. I feel a bit closer to my sister but I also feel frustrated and angry towards her. There are a lot of reasons why I feel anger and frustration towards them but it’s just really challenging. I kind of wish I had been born in a different family. I just don’t have almost anything in common with my parents. It is hard to define and talk about. I care about them but I also can’t stand them. I think the biggest thing is that our views and values are so different. They are very conservative in a lot of ways, and that is what I find most challenging about them. A lot of me doesn’t even want to talk to them or be in a relationship with them. I am having a hard time defining what exactly I even want as far as my relationship with them. It makes me sad to think about. I am feeling a lot of frustration and anger towards them. I want to talk to them, including about our divisions, but I feel so much anger towards them. I think I want to process and think about the anger I feel towards them, and don’t like having all of this unspoken and unexpressed anger. A part of me would really like to talk to them more about all of this, but I feel so much anger. And honestly I have good reasons for it but I guess what I am struggling with is figuring out what exactly to do or how exactly to express it. There is no question that I care about them but honestly I am just so frustrated and annoyed by how they are and what they believe. When it comes to my sister, it isn’t so much anger as fear and concern that I feel. I know that she is having a really hard time mentally in life. She doesn’t have a job and is completely dependent on my parents and I feel like she doesn’t have any real plans to become independent. Which is fine, she doesn’t have to become independent. But at least I want to be honest with her and tell her that I am concerned and that I care about her. I think I have tried to communicate that to her but I am not sure how much she believes it. She seems to be dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety and I feel like she isn’t being effectively helped in dealing with it. She is also a very private person so it worries me because it makes me think that maybe she is doing worse than she is telling me. But I don’t know how to reach her and break through to her. I want to go over to their house more and spend more time with my sister but it is also stressful because I don’t want to spend a lot of time with my parents. Every time I go there I feel angry and frustrated towards my parents and I just don’t want to interact with them. I have no idea what to do. I think the main thing is that I need to stop hiding my emotions and find some way to express how I am feeling. I have to stop running away from my anger and find some way to actually talk about it. I need to talk about it. I have to, but right now I just feel lost. I am so angry and frustrated. Maybe I should sit with that for a bit, that could maybe help me. I feel so much anger though. I know I will be fine and get through this but I am just having a hard time right now. Thank you for reading -
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