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Hiiii currently trying to spread positive energy by embodying love and kindness đź’—

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Self love?
Self-Esteem / by eikhcom
Last post
1 day ago
...See more This might be considered counterculture and not really articulated well. Self love is emphasized so much in our modern society. It can be a harmful mindset as it directs our attention to ourselves and lead to selfishness. Which is the mindset that often destroys relationships when both parties are not trying to understand each other and only pushing for their own feelings to be heard. But if both parties are so self centered, how can any issues be resolved? If both parties are so caught up in their own pain, they are causing more pain to others due to their lack of looking outside of themselves. However, when others are causing pain, it’s because they are in pain themselves. It’s all essentially a cycle of pain. And in order to change that, we can break the cycle and pour into the cups of others instead of waiting for someone to pour into our cup. In return, the cycle of pain will (theoretically) end. But, perhaps you may ask the question of how we can pour into the cups of others if our cups are empty? Well, thats what I’m trying to figure out as well. I want to believe that a change of mindset where we believe we have a lot (gratitude), instead of a mindset of having nothing. We can do the “seemingly” impossible thing of filling others cups while having theoretically empty cups of our own. At the end of the day, perhaps I’m just complaining about self centeredness. Or the misuse of “self love”. Perhaps I’m pushing the idea that to fully resolve issue within us. Or more boldly, every problem in the world can be solved by being more selfless. By looking outwards, instead of in.
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