um i'm 15, have ADHD, and probably depression and anxiety along with it.
i know well what grief feels like, and wish i didn't
usually i cope with all the shit i've gone through by either burying it or using everything i can think of to not think about it anymore, like memes, spending time with my cats, or playing the ukelele.
i've never gone to therapy for anything aside from my ADHD because after my dad died my mother kinda lost it a little and refuses to let me see a psychiatrist because they're "only going to take my money and give me pills", so i'm here
if i leave randomly while i'm in the middle of a conversation, it's because of that, or my laptop's lockout timer went off and i won't be able to get on until the morning.
edit-dec 14, 2020: i came out to my mom as transmasc and have been told i have to repress it and present as female until i have a well-paying job (i'm going into the arts and my mom wants me to do computers) and a house. so essentially, i won't be able to present as i'd want. ever.