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courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
Heartbroken πŸ’”
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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March 27th, 2021
...See more My partner walked out on me a few days ago saying he didn't know if he could give me a another chance after a bad argument. I recently got some news that a ex had died ,he was my son's father but we broke up before he was born as he was mentally and physically abusive and I haven't seen him in many many years but it was still a shock and it did upset me as I had to tell my son . Anyway , it messed with my head and brought back painful memories which resulted in me taking it out on my partner and losing it with him and becsuse I was getting flashbacks to the past he ended up getting hurt ( unintentionally) ... I apologized but the damage was done and he left . I've lost the love of my life and there's nothing I can do because he won't talk to me πŸ’”
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
He broke up with me ....
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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December 26th, 2019
...See more My partner of 7 years broke up with me 5 days before Christmas and I am heartbroken . We've had a few issues over the last couple of years but always worked through it because we wanted to be together . Two months ago we had a disagreement and I haven't seen him since then because he needed space and to get his head together as he had lost all positivity about everything and the future . We still talked every few days just general chit chat and I thought that we were getting somewhere but 5 days ago I asked him about us and he said that he didn't feel any different so basically that was it .. To say I was devastated is an understatement ... He said he still loved me and it's not what he wants but he has no choice as he needs to fix himself and to sort his mindset out so he can start to think positively about life again .. I just don't know what to do , I know he's struggled with this for a while but to just walk away from 7 years together has broken me into pieces and I don't understand how he can do that ..😒😒
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
He needs space
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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October 13th, 2019
...See more I'm going through a hard time and really need some advice . My partner and I have been together 6 years ..We've had our issues , he cheated on me 3 years ago but we overcame that and I suffer with trust and self esteem issues due to my past and at times I've been known to not act in a reasonable way due to this and we've had arguements due to me losing it over nothing .. My partner is finding it harder each time we argue to get over it , last time it happened it took him 6 weeks before I saw him again which I found extremely difficult .I am seeking help for my issues , I've done 1-1's and currently in group sessions and it is helping , he's said that he can see how well I'm doing and he's proud because of me, it's been 6 months since my last meltdown ... Until 4 days ago when I lost it and now he doesn't know if he can take anymore . This time though I got upset because he said his ex wife's name in his sleep , I asked him about it and he said he doesn't remember but they were together for 20+ years so she is on his mind sometimes even if he doesn't want her to be . So understandably I lost it and wouldn't listen to him explain and now he says it's made him feel like I don't trust him and he's finding it difficult to cope and to see a future so needs space ... I don't know what to do , I know that this time I had every reason to get upset and I told him this but he said it's the way I handled it because I wouldn't listen to him . I spoke to him the day after it happened and he said that he still loves me but finding it difficult as it's messed him up this happening again . I'm giving him space and haven't contacted him but it's breaking me apart inside and I don't know what to do .........
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
Hurt the one I love
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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March 9th, 2019
...See more I've been with my partner for 6 years and he knows about my past , my abusive relationship and my anxiety problems and I thought I'd finally found true happiness . But because of my past I have trouble with over thinking and I blow things out of proportion resulting in me losing it big time and saying and doing things I don't mean . My partner has put up with so much of this from me but now I've pushed him to far and he's had enough .He won't talk to me at all . I've text him to try to explain but I don't even know if he's read them . It feels like my heart is breaking because I know I've hurt him but I love him so much . I just don't know what to do , I feel so lost ....
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
I don't know where I stand with him
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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December 30th, 2017
...See more Two weeks sgo my boyfriend and I had a huge arguement , I did and said things I regret snd not for the first time . He said he couldn't take it anymore and said we had to split . I tried to talk to him but his mind was made up . I text him after a couple of days but he was still angry and hurt and didn't want to talk to me . I emailed him and opened up to him but he said he still felt the same and I hadn't said anything he hadn't heard before . A couple of days later I asked if we could chat and he said OK . We just chstted about general stuff but then I asked him to give me another chance and what did he want and he said he didn't know . Since then weve chatted 4/5 times , its always me asking him to chat but he always says yes. I've tried to keep it light without seeming pushy and sometimes its like old times but then he goes a bit quiet . I can understand he's still hurting but I need to know if there's s chance for us . He hasnt once said no to chatting with me , he hasn't told anyone we've split up and he hasn't returned my stuff that I kept st his house even though when we split I asked him too . Is there any hope for us
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
Boyfriend has finished our relationship
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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January 28th, 2018
...See more My boyfriend of four years has just finished our relationship and I'm feeling so lost and alone right now . We had an argument because he accused me of checking his phone , which I hadn't done and I got so angry that I said I was gonna leave because he didn't trust me and even though he tried to calm me down I wouldn't listen . He then finished it this morning saying he couldn't carry on like this and had to do what's best for him . He is my soulmate and I don't know what to do now
courteousBlueberry4361 profile picture
Boyfriend has finished our relationship
Relationship Stress / by courteousBlueberry4361
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November 19th, 2017
...See more My boyfriend of four years has just split up with me . We had a argument after he accused me of checking his phone which I hadn't and it ended with me saying that maybe we shouldn't be together if he didn't trust me . I said this in anger and he tried to calm me down but I wouldn't listen to him .Now I've lost him because he can't deal with my moods and saying things in anger . I feel lost and alone
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