19 , usa , d.i.d , infp
Hello, our name is Ares (it is collective you may call any of us Ares if you do not know who is fronting). Our system name is Ares N Co. We are 19 and proudly coexistent with DID. We are polyfragmented. We have many headmates and will not share our complete headcount. However, our host’s name is Gaege and his info is down below!
We prefer to be seen as individuals and use the term Headmates for ourselves. We do not mind being called Alters or Parts, but Headmates is preferred.
Host Info!
Name(s) : Gaege (I also accept being called Ares as it is our collective name)
Nickname(s) : Juicy / Juice , G
Headmate Age : 26
Body Age : 19
Pronouns : you can literally call me anything but most preferred are they/she/he in no specific order
Source Info : Big Juicy & The Boys (Youtube Channels). I am very different from my source, but I am not completely source separated please don’t force me to be.
Boundaries : I am fine with most things. I don’t take much to heart and I control my triggers. If something triggers me I simply won’t engage or I will stop engaging. All I ask is for you to not see me in any romantic or sexual manner, we have a partner and are in a very happy long term relationship. I also ask for you to not refer to the system as “Gaege’s System” or suggest that it is MY system or that the other headmates are MY headmates. It is our system and we coexist happily (We prefer you saying things like “You guys’ system” and “The other headmates” rather than “Gaege’s System” and “Your headmates”).
Hi! My name is Gaege. I am our current host. I am an Introject of a Youtuber (big juicy). I have been around for about a year and a few months. I’m not entirely sure about my exact form date and even if I was I wouldn’t share it. I am very secretive about system information, but I am open to sharing general info. I promise I am nice, I don’t bite :) I love meet and chatting with new people.