I'm so glad I found this app.
I'm new at 7c, but I struggle immensely with my perimenopause.
A word I didn't even know a year ago. The peri bit anyway.
I have a hypoactive thyroid caused by Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroidism. I used to be fine with it, with the levothyroxine.
Now I don't know anyone if I need more or less medicine, as anxiety is supposed to be more of a hyper symptom (but rarely hypo too).
I feel sweaty at most times.
And I'm constantly leaking. If it's not bleeding for long periods (2weeks), then it's incontinence for at least a week before. I'm still somewhat regularly, i.e. every 30 to 40 days bleeding.
I am obesely overweight, partially because hypothyroidism, partially because I was on hydrocortisone a few years back due to now dormant (gone?) Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency (still no clue how it came and went away again).
The more I weigh the less mobile and sporty I am. I used to swim, now I only cycle to the office. At least this again, as in lockdown I didn't even do that. Instead, when working from home, I easily worked 2 or 3 hours longer thus felt even more exhausted to get even out for a walk.
I really want to get back into swimming but they are still limiting on time slots and changing room, nevermind showering.
Though I admit it is also a bit of an excuse because I don't really want to be seen in my "fat suit".
And recently my anxious disposition has increased in such a manner that I have anger outbursts whilst hyperventilating and inability to breathe. And I can't control it, even though my mind screams at me to stop. I constantly have to apologise for my behaviour and it's affecting me professionally and personally.
I'm a science kind of gurrl, in the UK, from Germany. I can only hope that I soon can have some time with a GP and that they prescribe HRT and that it works. But the GP already indicated they are unlikely to do that.
This all is so darn frustrating...