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My name is Niall

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I need advice
Relationship Stress / by ashen64
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7 hours ago
...See more If I've done something bad to my partner, like in this case she's accusing me of mocking her when she asks for help in school and apparently I do this alot. I have never heard about this and I didn't realise that I hurt her, now after months she decided to tell me and said that I have some kind of complex and It just feels so unfair. Im paranoid and jealous and I feel like she's been manipulating me for a long time so is this that or is it just bad communication that feels like manipulation She wants to cut contact and talk about this in a while, I want to talk about it now and I expressed how sorry I was and that now I know what I've done i can actually fix it but she doesn't believe that I can. I'm just so confused my entire relationship feels so convoluted it's good then bad then good then bad and at what point do I tell the person that I love that I can't do this anymore as well as that she's friends with my friends and I don't want my friends to hate. She's quite spiteful and I don't want her to leak info about me or lie so I'm just scared to leave her
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How severe is this situation in your opinion?
Relationship Stress / by ashen64
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...See more Yesterday my girlfriend made a comment about how one of her male friends is more invested than me in my biggest interest and this guy I had already been jealous of previously, she knows this. I told her that I didn't like that she said that, she defended herself saying that I shouldn't be jealous. She has a history of disregarding my feelings so I gave up and stopped talking to her and just lied in my bed not doing anything, then she called me out for sulking saying "why are you targeting me" as if me being upset is an attack on her and I was a bit fed up but I still tried to communicate how I felt and she still defended herself, she was irritated with an angry face and she basically said that how I felt was invalid, "not to be rude but it isn't About you". She also believes that she didn't do anything wrong and I cannot say enough that I was really trying to de escalate yet still she was *** at me for expressing my feelings. I apparently don't express how I feel enough and she wonders why
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I'm confused
Relationship Stress / by ashen64
Last post
January 7th
...See more Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about a year now and I believe that I truly love her, I still look at her and get butterflies and she feels the same way but sometimes it feels fake, she will disregard my opinion or what I want yet expect me to listen to her and help her. It honestly feels sometimes like she manipulates me and I confronted her on it recently, she flipped it on me calling me abusive and threatened to leave and I was so distressed I actually believed that I did something wrong for a bit but I didn't. I'm confused because sometimes it feels so real and at other times it doesn't
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