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thanks for stoppin' by, i hope you're healing too < 3
PathStep 52 Compassion hearts113 Forum posts13 Forum upvotes18 Current upvotes18 Age GroupTeen Last activeMay, 2024 Member sinceDecember 7, 2023




ily <3


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sun & moon
Poetry / by anahahaha
Last post
December 11th, 2023
...See more To every ying there is a yang, There is an up for every down, a left for every right and opposition in all things. It's not so much that you were my opposite, although opposites attract- It's more like you were my balance. my other half. you used to say I reminded you of the sun. you sad I seemed warm. I never told you, but you always reminded me of the moon. your white-blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. Your pale skin.Β  it all seemed so night-esque Not dark or gloomy, but the kind of night that's peaceful. The kind that makes you want to stay up just to see it. The calm and beauty that wraps you up and makes you feel seen. And you did, Make me feel seen, that is. Seen and praised and adored, something I've not felt before. You made me feel like my forever was finally here. I didn't need to wait anymore.Β  Time was an illusion. You can't fit a lifetime, a forever into 5 weeks. And even so, you still managed to do just that.Β  I only existed in the moments I spent with you, I only went to sleep to dream of you, only woke up to see you. Woke. Past tense previously. I now wake to see the sun, although my ying, my moon has left, I now exist solely for myself. I do miss your soft glow, but alas. The moon only ever reflected the light that the sun allowed it to have in the first place. < 3
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dreams: a poem by me
Poetry / by anahahaha
Last post
December 13th, 2023
...See more dreams are good they say, a place where you can go to escape the wide awake world free from toil, pain, hardships, death, love, - life. My dreams are no such place. feverish and persistent I'm in a living *** I'd rather stay awake than be trapped in a lucid world where these dreams are my reality. a world where its all black and white grey and dull and flashing and breathless. I'm falling down a tunnel while sitting in the grass covered in blood in the sunlight.
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